Redo chairs on a budget

Barb Jett
by Barb Jett
I need a redo on these chairs...cant afford to get new ones....
  10 answers
  • Country Design Home Country Design Home on Feb 26, 2016
    Hi Barb! Spray paint! What you do to the chairs depends on what kind of an impact you want them to make in your kitchen? Want a bold pop of color? Spray them with some glossy cherry red paint (leave the chrome alone) and add some checked cushions. Something a bit less dramatic? Go with a creamy beige and add a stencil to the seat - a 1,2,3 numbers graphic would be cute. Or, if you have some curtains in the room, match the color to those and spray paint away! The options are endless and the results will be dramatic.
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Feb 26, 2016
    You have the option of using a gel stain on the chairs.MinWax shows the available colors. Then If you would like to add color get some cushions. I would not paint the metal.
  • KatAych KatAych on Feb 26, 2016
    I'd paint them a bold color to really "pop" in your kitchen - whatever is your favorite - red, bright green, a bright blue, etc. and add a fun-print fabric for the seat, as well!
  • Trudy Hibler Trudy Hibler on Feb 26, 2016
    Paint or gel stain, either way it'd be a nice pop in your kitchen. And cushions can simply be a throw pillow style with ribbon or fabric ties to attach to the chairs. These chairs are a couple of winners. Just need to be updated.
  • Barb Jett Barb Jett on Feb 27, 2016
    My kitchen is olive and chocolate brown what color should i use
  • Barb Jett Barb Jett on Feb 27, 2016
    This is the color of my kitchen
    comment photo
    • Country Design Home Country Design Home on Feb 28, 2016
      @Barb Jett With that color, which is also neutral-gray with a tint of green (at least that is what it looks like in the photo) you could go with a darker gray or green in the same color family. Or, I noticed that you have a light soffit over the sink that looks like chalkboard with some writing? You could paint the chairs to match that color-deep charcoal- which would look great with the chrome bars around the bottom.
  • Kayo Frazier Kayo Frazier on Feb 28, 2016
    Here's my 2 cents...If you decide to re-stain the chairs instead of paint them...I would take the time to re-stain your cabinets as well that way all the wood looks brand new again. If you decide to paint...I would go for a light color cream, pale blue or green. Something to pop off the darker colors in the room. Hope this helps
  • Tara Lynn Tara Lynn on Feb 28, 2016
    Bright red always goes with any green. Or stain them poly them and buy bright red cushions, then if you change paint on the wall, it will be easy to change the color of the cushions.
  • Sandra Sandra on Mar 02, 2016
    Barb, I have been looking at what some people have done with something called "Unicorn Gell Stain". There is a post on this site --several, I think-- that shows you how to use it. It would mean stripping the chairs and then using this water soluble stain. You can do it with you hands. Yo could do some really neat things with this stuff there is an Unicorn Gel Stain Facebook page as well. I can't wait to get my hands on some of this stuff. Looks like something interesting can be thought about. Have fun.
  • Jackie Jackie on Mar 02, 2016
    Paint them!!. You can simple wash with Vinegar and paint!! With Reclaim and it leaves a nice smooth finish.If your looking for more ideas go to this link and half way down the page look under CATEGORIES you will see a lot of Before and after photos. If you want Order any of the paints that are Low VOC's you can purchase here