Cleaning glass shades on a light fixture

by Nancee
My dining room light fixture has glass shades. Previous lights had screws to undo to remove shades and wash in sink. These shades are not removable. How do I clean them without electrocuting myself?
  9 answers
  • Jeannette Jeannette on Apr 24, 2016
    Lucky you? Now you have an excuse not to clean them!
  • M M on Apr 24, 2016
    Check the inside near the socket, there could be a white plastic piece that you can unscrew to remove the shade.
  • Cathy Scott Cathy Scott on Apr 24, 2016
    I was wondering if the shade would unscrew they have to come off to be replaced in case they break. You could also ask at a lighting store they could help. In the mean time I would use just a damp cloth and wipe them with that. Just don't have it so wet that it would drip.
    • Nancee Nancee on Apr 24, 2016
      Thank You Cathy Scott Never thought about how to replace it. Good thought. Thanks!
  • Nancee Nancee on Apr 24, 2016
    I cleaned it in place as someone suggested. I will also look for a plastic piece that can possibly screw out as someone else talked about.
  • Could it be that the bulbs are holding the shades on? I'd try taking a bulb out to see. They went on somehow, there should be a way to remove them.

  • Dee Dee on Aug 08, 2024

    I clean mine in place, I do it on a sunny day, shut the light off, then clean with a damp microfiber cloth. Or use windex on the cloth and clean.

  • Janice Janice on Aug 08, 2024

    I doubt that the shades can't be removed. I would just use a warm damp soft cloth to clean the shades and bulbs, but check further to learn if the shades are indeed permanent...seems unlikely.

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Aug 08, 2024

    Turn off the electricity power for the time you are cleaning! Otherwise use a Wet Wipe on them inside with the switch off! Wipe dry with a dry cloth. or Kitchen roll