How can I display old earrings and necklaces as decor?

by Dolores
I have several pair of old clip on earrings that belonged to my mom and her sister along with necklaces. Does anyone have a neat way of displaying them as a decoration that doesn't take a large space? I put several pretty pins on a throw pillow that is on a guest room bed.
  11 answers
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on May 01, 2016
    You can put them in a frame and hang them it on the wall making a art piece.
  • Valerie Tingley Valerie Tingley on May 01, 2016
    A shadow box makes a beautiful display for vintage jewelry. They can be laid out in a shape (think a bouquet of flowers or in a line of pairs).
  • Rita barowsky Rita barowsky on May 01, 2016
    I visited a home where the owner had displayed lots of old jewelry, (not valuable) on a small tabletop Christmas tree. I do not remember if the tree was lighted, I do not think it was. She had it in her bedroom and it was up year round. The jewelry was costume pieces she had inherited from aunts and her mom.
  • Lea Lea on May 01, 2016
    Old necklaces make beautiful curtain ties IMO.
    • Dolores Dolores on May 01, 2016
      That would be a great idea. In my case we have no curtains but I appreciate your idea.
  • Mary Insana Mary Insana on May 01, 2016
    A shadow box would be a good solution. Get a piece of black velvet and put a thin piece of foam under the velvet. Arrange your jewelry how you would like it. For pins and post style earring you can pin in or push the erring through the velvet. For necklaces, bracelets or clip on earrings you can use black thread and tack them down here and there, much neater than using hot glue. Using black velvet will match any jewelry and have them stand out. Pain the outside of the shadow box either silver or gold.
    • Dolores Dolores on May 01, 2016
      Thank You Mary Insana. You have several great ideas. Hopefully I can use some of them.
  • Jean Myles Jean Myles on May 01, 2016
    I'm with the others a shadow box frame makes a great display. My friend took 3 pictures 1 of my grandma 1 of my Mom and one of me.She got them to look like 1 picture on her computerI then placed a mat in the frame and the picture in the top left corner with a lacy handkerchief behind it and costume jewelry from the 3 of us. Then hot glued ( just a touch to hold them in place )them in a L shape swag along the right hand side and along the bottom. I cut little slits in the mat to put the back of the clip on earrings through.My granddaughter has it in her room .
  • MN Mom MN Mom on May 01, 2016
    Display them inside a shadow box frame or a regular frame using padded fabric as the background and the glass removed. You'd need to remove the glass if the pieces are thicker than paper. You could also fill small, plain open bowls or vases. Earrings and necklaces can be clipped and draped around the bottom edges of lampshades.
  • Apollo7000 Apollo7000 on May 01, 2016
    A male friend of mine, used his mother's extensive collection of clip-on earrings, pins, and brooches throughout his home. He used decorative ribbon around a plain lamp shade with a pin at the seam. He would top a grouping of pictures with a brooch and, in the bathroom, he added earrings to embellish fancy towels and wash clothes. His mom had beautiful pieces and it was great seeing them displayed in such a tasteful manner.
  • Dolores Dolores on May 01, 2016
    Thank you for several great ideas.
  • Mary Kay White Mary Kay White on May 02, 2016
    For my earrings (pierced and clip-on) I stapled chicken wire to the back of a 21" x 16" picture frame I had made out of molding (you can make or buy any size you need), distressed the frame, and hung it on the wall, and hung earrings by pairs onto the chicken wire where they were nicely displayed and I could see at a glance what my options were for earrings for any given day or event. Then, for my necklaces, I took a shutter with slats and painted/distressed it to match the frame that held my earrings. I glued the slats open leaving just enough room to slide an "S" hook in, then I hung all my necklaces, one or two on a hook. The two pieces make a pretty display hung on the wall and I no longer have to dig for the other half of a pair of earrings or untangle necklaces.
  • Kelley MacKay Kelley MacKay on May 02, 2016
    this was taken from pinterest...thought it was cool
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