How would you decorate this mantel?

by Jeannie
To all you creative Mamas and Papas:
I just got this picture and love it! I would like to decorate the mantle with the theme of birch trees and summer. Any ideas would be appreciated.
  6 answers
  • Hillela G. Hillela G. on May 23, 2016
    Hey Jeannie! Would you like to add a picture?
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on May 23, 2016
    Without a picture it is very difficult. With that said I am thinking candles made out of birch wood.a small piece of driftwood,and possible sea shells.
  • Jeannie Jeannie on May 23, 2016
    I've included the framed art. Does that help?
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  • Pat whitmus Pat whitmus on May 24, 2016
    The picture appears to be on the dark side so I would contrast with light colors and candles. The birch candles would certainly go with it...but it needs something more. Perhaps some tall candlesticks in silver tones? Decorative balls in different textures? What is the style of your room?
  • MN Mom MN Mom on May 24, 2016
    Beautiful artwork! You have a lot of verticals going on with the birch in the artwork and the wallboard it's hanging on so in my opinion, adding more verticals items to the mantel would be too much. I wouldn't introduce more wood / driftwood as it would detract from the art. Also, adding other elements (beachy things, shells, etc) could compete. I would look at softening the mantel with a green plant like a fern, a fresh floral arrangement in a horizontal container or something airy or even photographs in a variety of brushed metal finishes.
  • Emily Emily on May 24, 2016
    Hi Jennie, It would also help if you included a picture of the mantelpiece. However just in general. Think of mantelpiece decorations as very transitory design statements. For instance I change my mantel piece so often that I never think of it in the same way I do furniture placement or paint colors.
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