Facade of cottage

by BK
I'd like to create a more cottage looking front, and more inviting look to my cottage/home. The home has a light gray siding on the entire home. I was thinking cedar siding, shutters on the one window, change the posts, the front porch and the walkway to the front door as well as the front door (or just color of door).
  14 answers
  • Kim Kim on Jul 31, 2016
    I would keep the posts, just paint them white. Add shutters. Here are some great porch ideas. Good luck. Let us see the end result, please. http://porch.pinklette.com/perfect-front-porch-designs/front-porch-designs-color/
    • BK BK on Jul 31, 2016
      Thanks for the ideas. I went to the website and found great pictures of front porches. Considering a railing, shutters, and a new floor. Not sure what I will do with posts. Been told the look too plain. Thanks again!
  • Joy Peters Kurtz Joy Peters Kurtz on Jul 31, 2016
    how about running a line of flower boxes above the garage? then fill with bursting flowers, trailing ones over the edge? hang pots from the porch. Put trellises underneath the lamps on either side of the garage and by the door.
    • BK BK on Jul 31, 2016
      Love flowers. Just not at the house often enough to take care of them. Hopefully some day. Thanks much!
  • Kathy Sorrentino Kathy Sorrentino on Jul 31, 2016
    a railing , and rockers would look good
    • BK BK on Jul 31, 2016
      Yes,a railing would be perfect! Thank you!
  • Jan Loehr Jan Loehr on Jul 31, 2016
    Yes a lot of these suggestions will give more curb appeal but it is all focused on the left side of your house...you may want to consider something large over those big garage doors...have a lot of space to maybe put an architectural wood or metal piece up there to fill that huge space above your garage...something up there that is maintenance free, just hang it, anchor it in place then that is it...again there are lots of photos on Pinterest if you are interested in pursuing this possibility...
  • Virgi S Virgi S on Jul 31, 2016
    It bothers me that one post is directly in front of the short windows. If they aren't kitchen windows maybe they could be made larger. Then add an additional post to frame them. A false air ventilator, driftwood, or iron would look great over the garage door. Monograms are popular, too, but it might be too large to get the right scale.
  • Maggie Hugie Maggie Hugie on Jul 31, 2016
    You can certainly do this in increments. I suggest a new color for the trim and the door to give it more appeal, the white is completely lost against the pale gray. Maybe a pretty soldier blue or a muted green even a lavender. Perhaps a picket fence for the yard along with a railing on the porch. It doesn't look like there is enough room for a swing, but you could have a nice bench with some colorful pillows. Maybe some pavers or brick on top of the cement sidewalk would add some appeal too.
  • BK BK on Jul 31, 2016
    Yes, if I could move it over, that would be nice, especially for putting rails on the porch
  • Marilyn Zaruba Marilyn Zaruba on Jul 31, 2016
    Here is a cutie: http://www.southernliving.com/home-garden/decorating/cottage-style-home I think it has some cute ideas that would work. Remember, cottages should have lots of flowers and some bright colors here and there. They have cute little bits of *gingerbread* you could add to white posts on your front porch. I predict...this is going to be adorable when it is finished. Be sure to post pictures for us.
  • Carrie Hawk Carrie Hawk on Jul 31, 2016
    One way to make it look more cottagey would be make the columns on the porch larger at the bottom with brick. I'll try to find a photo.
  • Carrie Hawk Carrie Hawk on Aug 01, 2016
    Found a couple nice photos. Google Cottage porch images.
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  • Carole Bisby Carole Bisby on Aug 01, 2016
    Ok here is my idea!! either blue or rustic red shutters with a flower box underneath, new coach lights something more larger and rustic color. Paint the front door also to match, I agree with the other lady bigger porch rails and also some nice wooden chairs with table and in your front with all of the plants get some wood tree stumps wrap them with a rope and put a solar light on top maybe hang some wooden fish or shells from it. You can make it the theme that you want and maybe incorporate a few ideas on your porch table. Good luck once you start there will be know end of ideas that will pop up in your head!!! Make sure you put up a pic when you are done for all of us to see.
    • BK BK on Aug 01, 2016
      Thank You Carole Bisby. So many great ideas! I can't wait to choose those that work best on this house!
  • Suellen Hintz Suellen Hintz on Aug 01, 2016
    Add architectural interest at the top of the posts...just stay away from the Victorian curlicues. Add flower box under the short window, and make it deep enough that you don't need to water every day. Add fake carriage door look to garage door. Get that front flower bed looking like a cottage garden. Definitely rockers, etc., in the empty space to the right of the door. Can't tell if that is a screen door or what, but it and the house door can go any color that complements the garden colors.
  • Jane Jane on Aug 02, 2016
    I think a picket fence around the front of the porch would define a sitting area. From there you can add potted planted and charming furniture.
  • BK BK on Jul 03, 2019

    Finally finished the front of my house. Very happy with the results.

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