Asked on Dec 18, 2016

Houseplant ID help, please!

by Shivani
Having a hard time finding the name of this plant. It has green, browish leaves that are waxy. Its scalpeled on the ends. Running in a vine/ cascading way.
  38 answers
  • Susanshull Susanshull on Dec 18, 2016

    try begoina

  • Lindy Lindy on Dec 18, 2016

    Looks like a begonia to me buttttt

  • Linda Noblin Linda Noblin on Dec 18, 2016


  • Ruidoso Ruidoso on Dec 18, 2016

    Let's make it unanimous--Begonia!

  • Shivani Shivani on Dec 18, 2016

    You were all correct!

    Thank you for your help! It's a Strawberry Begonia!

    • Diane Diane on Dec 20, 2016

      Not a strawberry begonia. They have fuzzy leaves.

  • Ant11605640 Ant11605640 on Dec 19, 2016

    I have one sitting in my living room window

  • Shaza Lee Shaza Lee on Dec 19, 2016

    it is a Wax Begonia

  • Virginia Virginia on Dec 19, 2016

    Looks like a Rex Begonia

  • Rachel Rachel on Dec 19, 2016


  • Dia11688339 Dia11688339 on Dec 19, 2016

    Not a strawberry begonia.... a strawberry begonia has small plantlets from the main plant that hang down much like a regular strawberry (fruit) plant does..... looks more like a wax begonia in the picture

  • Karen Merritt3 Karen Merritt3 on Dec 19, 2016

    I think it is a wax begonia.

  • Glynnda Glynnda on Dec 20, 2016

    It's a wax begonia. Blooms in May. Use a flowering fertilizer starting in early Spring and see what happens! Good luck.

  • Lisa Dye Lisa Dye on Dec 20, 2016

    Wax begonia. Surprisingly hardy & should flower if it has enough bright natural light. Clip it back & it will grow more leaves from the stem, making it bushier rather than vining. Stick the cutting in water & when it starts to root, you have another begonia.

  • Jacky Jacky on Dec 20, 2016

    wax begonia, treat it as you would an African violet in terms of fertilizer, light and water. You must be rigorous in pruning, or it will become leggy, but each trimming can be rooted to create another plant. Not winter-hardy, but does enjoy a summer outdoors -- at least mine do -- in upstate NY, lots of light and air, but no direct sunlight.

  • Katrina Katrina on Dec 20, 2016

    Jacky from Ithaca is correct! Follow his directions to a T and you should have success. Also, be sure to root trimmings! Everyone has their own method. I prefer a dip in rooting hormone and then dropping my cuttings in water, others sand and what have you. This Begonia does not do well once leggy. Keep it simple and keep it neat! :)

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    • Barbara Barbara on Dec 24, 2016

      I've never heard of that method...thanks for the suggestion!

  • ColoradoUtah ColoradoUtah on Dec 20, 2016


  • Deb Deb on Dec 20, 2016

    Yep it it is should have pink flowers in spring

  • Christine Christine on Dec 20, 2016

    Wax begonias have fibrous roots. They are different than tuberous begonias. A tuberous begonia grows from a tuber which will go dormant over the winter and grow again in the spring. But must be kept inside over the winter. Both wax begonias and tuberous begonias produce seed pods when the weather turns cold. Best way to know for sure is to dug it up and see if the roots are fibrous or a tuber.

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  • Pma12140859 Pma12140859 on Dec 21, 2016

    you can cut it back to be a nice bushy plant, doesn't hurt it to trim long runners, actually may make more blooms.

  • Sandy Mattes Cerveny Sandy Mattes Cerveny on Dec 21, 2016

    Here’s my begonia (or that’s what I think it is) I’ve been growing in the house for over 15 years now. After several years I will cut it back and let it start over. I don’t let it get higher then 5 ft. though. It doesn’t blossom continually but when it shows signs of budding out I feed it Mircle Grow “Bloom Buster” fertilizer then it’ll bloom for a month or two. It has never gone dormant and the green leaves with the white speckles on them are enjoyed all year round. Maybe it’s not a begonia, if anyone knows what it is please let me know.

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  • Sandra Walburn Sandra Walburn on Dec 21, 2016

    Sandy mattes Cerveny

    my grandmother says your is what she calls an ANGEL WING and it is of the begonia family but it grows tall keep it staked .. she says the bigger the pot the bigger it grows, and that's the truth her touches the ceiling and it is about as big around as a # 3 washtub, she keeps it trimmed and roots the clipping for anyone that wants some.. Lol wish I had a picture of it it's beautiful the blooms probably reach 8 inches plus every year and then are one on every stem. It's probably close to 20 years old.

  • Dia11688339 Dia11688339 on Dec 21, 2016

    It is one of several colors of Angel Wing Begonia......I live in Florida and grow several different Angel Wings both in the ground and in hanging baskets..... very easy plants and grow very large......gorgeous in a basket

  • HC McDole HC McDole on Dec 22, 2016

    Be careful else you might get addicted to growing this fascinating plant. Second largest plant family in the world next to Orchids. I'm a little OCD with Begonias!

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  • Jo Jo on Dec 22, 2016

    It is a type of begonia.

  • Carrieann Carrieann on Dec 22, 2016

    Yep, Angel Wing begonia

  • Sandy Mahar Sandy Mahar on Dec 23, 2016

    lowers.futiful when heers Yes. Begonia. I have a friend who has had one for over 30 years and never moved it and it trails all around her livingroom ceiling. Very bea

  • Sandy Mahar Sandy Mahar on Dec 23, 2016

    Typo---Very beautiful when it flowers.

  • Vicki Lashbrook Vicki Lashbrook on Dec 23, 2016

    My mother had a begonia like the one pictured. She also called it an "angel wing." I inherited it from her, but lost it due to my black thumbs.

  • Cindy Cindy on Dec 23, 2016

    It is a wax begonia.

  • Barbara Barbara on Dec 24, 2016

    WOW!!! I never thought they could get so big

  • ObiaMan ObiaMan on Dec 24, 2016

    I'm impressed with what I've read here. I've planted thousands of things but I was never familiar with Begonias till last spring when I got loads of them from Lowe's for an extremely good price. Some are reddish leaves with pink flowers and some are green leaves with red flowers. Gorgeous showing in a large pot. I love the thought of having them for years to come.

  • Sandy Mattes Cerveny Sandy Mattes Cerveny on Dec 25, 2016

    Thank you Carolyn, they look just like angle’s wings. That’s what we always called them but didn’t know that’s what it was actually called.

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    • HC McDole HC McDole on Dec 26, 2016

      Angel wing begonia (not Angle) is a common name for cane begonias. Yours is more than likely Begonia 'Corallina de Lucerna' and usually shortened to Lucerna. A great pass-along plant that we got from a cutting over 40 years ago and was called "Angel Wing" begonia when my wife brought it home from work. It was probably 25 years later that I found the true name for this old begonia hybrid. Do an image search for cane begonia and you will see a large variety in this type of begonia. They range from dainty to very large and have many interesting features such as markings and leaf shape to name a couple.

      Here is B. 'Irene Nuss' (an old superba type cane) for example.

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  • Martha Martha on Dec 27, 2016

    I never thought of begonia as a house plant. Always planted them outside in the shade and didn't think of bringing them in when the weather turned cold. Duh!

    • HC McDole HC McDole on Dec 28, 2016

      I agree on bedding begonias (wax begonias - B. semperflorens). There are some double blooming ones, variegated ones, and perhaps some other interesting ones you may want to winter over due to cost and harder to come by.

      Even Dragon Wing begonias are so common today that they can easily be tossed at the end of the year.

      Here is a bed of Dragon Wing, pink Caladiums, and Catharanthus (annual vinca - periwinkle) I did many years ago. A six pack of DW were around $8 at that time. From late May through middle of October.

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  • Martha Martha on Dec 28, 2016

    Beautiful! I have lots of shade, but only used to put begonias by my back doorstep so I'd remember to water them. It's pretty dry here in summer.

  • Dorothy Dorothy on Dec 30, 2016

    Angel winged or wax begonia .Loves the indoors with lotsof light in the cold months and with thrive outside in the shade in the warmer months.

  • MJS MJS on Jul 11, 2021

    Fibrous begonia

  • Deb K Deb K on Aug 06, 2021

    Hi Shivani, I agree that is a wax begonia, hope this link helps you out