Lenten Roses

Bonnie Bassett
by Bonnie Bassett
I saw these on fb and it said these flowers bloom in the winter. Where are they grown is it only in the southern states? I can't imagine that they grow in the winter up here in New England . I wish I could grow some I miss my flowers !
  12 answers
  • Libby Yuewhoo Libby Yuewhoo on Dec 05, 2013
    You would have to be in Zone 6 to have success with them as an early bloomer. Of course they aren't cut back in the fall and are heavily mulched to peek they pretty heads through a thin layer of snow. For me in Canada, Zone 5, I might be lucky to have them appear shortly after the snow has melted, much the same timing as crocus.
  • Douglas Hunt Douglas Hunt on Dec 06, 2013
    Hellebore are unlikely to actually bloom in winter for you in New Hampshire, but you can certainly grow them. I had them in my Hudson Valley garden, which was on the border of zones 4 and 5, and they did very well. I saw the first blooms in late March-early April. The earliest blooming hellebore is Helleborus niger, so if you want to push the season, seek that out from a specialized nursery rather than planting the hybrid forms that are more commonly available.
  • They grow great for me in Canada zone 5. Bloom around the same time as the crocus. Very early, often still some snow on the ground. Then because we have hot, dry summers they go dormant.
  • Donna Shipley Donna Shipley on Dec 07, 2013
    I live on the coast of Northern California zone 9 and I have had several of them for years. Some are blooming now and some bloom a little further into the winter.
  • Marianne Cerrito Marianne Cerrito on Dec 07, 2013
    my Lenten Rose in central NJ... I LOVE this plant! :D likes partial shade, starts blossoming in late February, likes to be in 'clumps', stays green all winter, deer do NOT like it (yay!!!)... often need to trim leaves that get browned out by excessive cold, spreads slowly.
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    • See 3 previous
    • Beverley Leonie Beverley Leonie on Dec 11, 2013
      @Marianne Cerrito Many thanks for the info Marianne. I appreciate that you took the time to research and post a response.
  • Fenya Kashergen Fenya Kashergen on Dec 07, 2013
    one of my favorites. I live in SE Washington state, zone 5-6
  • Mikell Paulson Mikell Paulson on Dec 07, 2013
    I grow them in WA. State
  • The Pond Pad The Pond Pad on Dec 07, 2013
    We sell a lot of these-Hellebores- is another name at Alpine Nursery in Puyallup WA. Look for the hardiest- some can go to zone 6. Check out Monrovia. Blooming and T&L nurseries websites for more information.
  • Patricia Patricia on Dec 07, 2013
    I think that is the prettiest flower I have ever seen,....I am new to this site, just signed up a minute ago, looks very interesting.....love flowers!
  • Marianne Cerrito Marianne Cerrito on Dec 09, 2013
    @Bev-- I'll look at my garden journal & get back to you...
  • Susan B Susan B on Dec 10, 2013
    hellebores.will grow up north. i have some. not lenten tho.....