What are some ideas for decorating a girl's room with superhero theme?

by Janey
Its for my 8 year old daughter
  7 answers
  • Cori Widen Cori Widen on Jan 28, 2017

    I LOVE this!! Wonder Woman is cool. Also, it'd be cool to incorporate a motivational quote as well - maybe by stenciling it onto the wall? Something that motivates her to do good things and identify her own strength and capabilities.

  • Hillela G. Hillela G. on Jan 29, 2017

    Awesome idea!!!! I found these motivational signs that she'll love and will help you out too!!

    comment photo
  • Andrea Andrea on Jan 30, 2017

    ask your daughter what is her "happy" color and what color makes her feel "strong", then use these colors in your design. This is so exciting!!!!

  • Sal3170064 Sal3170064 on Feb 03, 2017

    Unless you plan to decorate again in a couple of years, I would think what colours to put on the walls. If she's eight then she might soon grow out of her themed room. I would colour the room white then add assesories to bring in your theme. I recently used paper napkins decopatching on to a canvas in super heroes theme. You could get a big canvas and do the same. Look for bed linen that uses the superhero prints. Use boarders or cut out figures from wall paper as these would be easier to remove than redecorating the whole room. Buy small amount of themed fabric and make cushions. Cover a chair with same fabric. All this will transform a room, but will be easier to change than redecorating.

  • Hac12924601 Hac12924601 on Feb 04, 2017

    Powerpuff girls??

  • Eroque022810 Eroque022810 on Feb 07, 2017

    What super hero's are her favorite then buy bedding and posters of those. Don't be holding her back. It comes across as though you were hoping for flowers and pink,let her express herself if not later in life she won't speak up or she will try to fit into a mold this world has created. If she wanted to be a doctor and not a nurse would you be disappointed? Super hero's help others or protect our planet those are things she should learn and be encouraged to do everyday. Like someone said paint white and let her do her own thing at least she will be happy.