I have a lot of leftover wine bottles..what can I do with them?

by Nell
What can I make with them or should I toss them?
  15 answers
  • Hillela G. Hillela G. on Jan 29, 2017

    Don't toss them, there are so many great projects you can do with them!!

    Lamps, vases, the list goes on, here are some great suggestions to get you started: http://www.hometalk.com/diy/upcycle/q-wine-bottle-19693546?expand_all_questions=1

    How to repurpose wine bottles
  • Lucy Marie Bernier Lucy Marie Bernier on Jan 29, 2017

    Make a bottle tree?

  • Loretta Loretta on Jan 29, 2017


    Wait, where do you live? Can I come and get those bottles???? :)) just kidding :))

    • Terra Gazelle Terra Gazelle on Feb 02, 2017

      I just told my husband that we have to drink more wine, we need the bottles. They also make great glasses, vases, incense burners, etc. Pinterest is a great place to get ideas.

  • Dbe18141965 Dbe18141965 on Jan 29, 2017

    Learn how to make wine and re-bottle

  • Mary Mary on Jan 29, 2017

    Do you have a window you keep covered or don't use. Have you seen where people take their bottles lay them over and cement them in the window space. The different color the light brings in is great. And it affords privacy. Use them in your green house window.

  • KT KT on Jan 30, 2017

    There's a great craft where you paint a wine bottle white, and decorate it to make a snow figure for holiday decorating.

  • Jerseygal Jerseygal on Feb 01, 2017

    Get an etching kit..from a craft store. Doesn't matter what color the bottle, green, amber, clear...Follow the instructions and LOVE the end result.

    Also, check out (with someone familiar with this project) and ask them how you can cut the bottom off the bottle so that you can put it over a battery tea light.. If you are a crafter, you can also sell them..

    • Angelina Angelina on Feb 07, 2017

      Get a bucket with ice water. A string dipped in acetone. wrap the string around the bottle. Light with a match until the string is burned, immediately submerge in cold water. The glass will "break" with the difference of temperature( hot to cold). Sand a little around it for a smooth finish. Cheap, easy and fun, Pinterest has many ideas.

  • Terra Gazelle Terra Gazelle on Feb 01, 2017

    I am remodeling..putting in a faux beam across my living room and doing wine bottle lights hanging from it. Clear fat bottles with edison bulbs. Wine bottle come in such an assortment of sizes...I am using Barefoot and Sutters bottles.

    Cutting them is rather easy. Use yarn and finger nail polish remover , have a bucket of ice water on hand and a electric lighter...oh and safety glasses.

    Take the yarn soak it in the nail polish remover then wrap it (several times) around the bottle where you want it cut. Then with your electric lighter set the yarn on fire...let it burn until the yarn is completely on fore....then place it in the ice water.

    Then take the bottle with some sand paper and sand the bottle bottom to make sure its all smooth and slightly rounded.

    You can get the cord, you can find it in all kinds of colors now, the cord grip and socket.

    Here is a picture of what I love..and I will be paying about 10.00 to the 129.00 which is the asking price. And I have the plus of having drank the wine.


    • Jerseygal Jerseygal on Feb 02, 2017

      What do you mean when you say ...let is burn until the yarn is completely on fore...Funny, as I was typing this I realized that you must have meant FIRE..!!! I am not a crafter AT ALL ...I thought it was a crafters term!!

  • Irish Pack Irish Pack on Feb 01, 2017

    I made my son and his bride a burlap table runner, I used hot glue for a burlap and lace band around a plain vase and two wine bottles. I then glued on lacy butterflies over the seam. The wine bottles were perfect for long taper candles!

    comment photo
  • Terra Gazelle Terra Gazelle on Feb 02, 2017

    oh dear..lol. I really need to proof read. Yep...fire.

    I have friends that call my typing "Gazellese"., that I have my own special language.

  • 1240839 1240839 on Feb 03, 2017

    The coolest idea i've seen is drilling a hole in the bottom of each bottle, thread them on rebar and stand them side by side to make a privacy screen.

  • Ken Erickson Ken Erickson on Dec 13, 2020

    We put ours in the glass recycle bin. You can also cut the top off and use it as a plant container of candle.

  • Ronda Ronda on Mar 11, 2021

    I made candle lanterns with a couple of mine. Went to craft store and purchased a ceramic cork for the wick (it’s called a mantle) and candle oil. It is really nice with scented oil and when power goes out and lasts indefinitely.