What can I do with leftover machine screws?
We used install TV on the wall as a business, now I have so many leftover machine screw. All sizes 1/2" - 2-1/2".
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Hi this is Peggy. Hope these ideas help you with your extra machine screws. Can you Scrap Nails Screws Nuts and Bolts - Trustway Metal
What to Do With Used Nails, Nuts, Bolts and Hardware | Hunker
Put in an old jar and sell them at your next yard sale or donate to Habitat.
Baby food jars. Lids screwed to a board then fill jar and apply to lid.
Load it all in the trunk of your car and take it to a scrap metal yard. They will weigh it and pay you a few cents per pound.
Give it to your young neighbor. He probably hasn't been overrun by his collection yet and will welcome them and offer thanks.
Here is some inspiration:
Make artwork out of them or donate them to a school shop class.
Hi Mzliz: You can donate them to your local Habitat For Humanity, I'm sure they would be very happy to get them.
If nails and screws are rusted, please throw them out in your household trash bin. If your hardware is in good shape, contact Habitat for Humanity or other donation organizations that can repurpose supplies. Check your local recycle centers and metal yards to see if they may pay cash for your scrap. Give to High School Shop Class.
Hi MzLiz, hope this helps you out. You can craft with them!