Design for a Small Living Room

I have a very narrow (20 feet x 10 feet) living room, and I don't know how to furnish it! At the moment, it only holds a piano (5 feet x 3 feet). It is the first room one enters in my home, so I want to make it look nice! But the room also serves as the pathway to the main parts of our home - the kitchen and the family room. I am thinking of maybe adding a small couch and a chair or two. And maybe a narrow coffee table. I have been thinking of maybe getting the Paidge sofa from West Elm. Any suggestions would be appreciated! This link shows my room and my dilemma:
View of my living room with the piano -- the rocking chair is just to the left the door that leads to the kitchen
Another view of my home's living room -- looking toward the front window
The stairway that flanks the living room and leads from the front door to the upstairs.
  19 answers
  • Moxie Moxie on Jan 09, 2014
    I would create a "Entry" at the stair wall from the front door with a small table, mirror and perhaps some type of functional organization for (like cubbies /hooks) for each persons stuff...that stair is crying built in storage units to me (or maybe add trim under each riser, the fancy kind, and paint it in to add some WOW) but I don't know the structural end of things. I have seen some narrow spaces that utilize furnishings in groupings to define areas so to speak and that window sure looks like a cozy ready spot for a small chase with neat pillow and blanket..some have such a talent for arranging that type of thing. I have seen great ideas for decorating small spaces here on Hometalk. I always ask myself how I want the room to feel and then try to figure out what I can do to express and create that feeling in the space. Your entry is the first impression of who lives within. Good Luck and I would love to see what you do!
  • Lauren of Mom Home Guide Lauren of Mom Home Guide on Jan 09, 2014
    Thanks so much for your comments, Moxie! I agree that I should maybe add a small table and mirror, etc., to the stairway wall (it is kind of boring now), and some molding or something to dress up that wall. I wish I could find some good photos of rooms like mine for ideas!
  • Cynthia H Cynthia H on Jan 09, 2014
    An antique style hall tree (the type with a mirror) would be a focal point, as would a lovely small dresser instead of the chests. My daughter has an antique trunk that she keeps throws and extra blankets in with a large mirror behind it for a focal point in her hall. I agree about the cozy sitting area by the window. A friend of mine had a very similar room, years ago, and she had seating by the window, a hanging fern and shelves tastefully arranged with books etc. My personal suggestion is to change the window coverings, either with a more open look if you can manage it, and add some color. I used cellular shades in my kitchen to give extra insulation, let in light and give privacy with the house next door. I used ivory since I had plenty of color already, and you would be amazed how losing the curtains opened up the space. You could continue the color in a pretty runner for the heaviest travel area through the room as there is a huge price range and color choice with runners. Have fun, and change it up until you love it!
  • Lauren of Mom Home Guide Lauren of Mom Home Guide on Jan 09, 2014
    Thanks so much for your tips, Cynthia! I like the idea about switching out the curtains and adding a runner and a dresser. My husband suggested switching out the curtains, and at first I got upset (they were expensive), but now I think I'd like to get something else for a more modern look. Might as well go with it if he's up for it! Do you suggest cellular shades? The only problem is that I need some kind of window covering on the bay window for privacy.
  • Joyce Foster Joyce Foster on Jan 10, 2014
    I would put the piano by the stair way, then you would have more room by the add a couch and chairs and coffee table
  • Lauren of Mom Home Guide Lauren of Mom Home Guide on Jan 10, 2014
    Thanks, Joyce! We are going to have to try moving everything around. I wish I were strong enough to move the piano on my own!
    • See 1 previous
    • Centrd Centrd on Jan 11, 2014
      Also, I've seen spinet pianos like yours used behind sofas, kind of like console tables with decorative things on top. One looked so nice it made me want to get one! I wish I could remember the blogger. She did an outstanding job integrating the piano into her room. She used decorative pieces, a lamp, photos. She even painted the piano to blend with her room. It was stunning and at first glance you wouldn't even realize it was a piano. But still completely available to play. And don't be afraid to block part of your window...I'm seeing that done more and more. Turning your piano 45 degrees so that it's in front of the window and then setting a small sofa in front of it, might solve a lot of your problems.
  • Carole Alden Carole Alden on Jan 10, 2014
    Carole Alden Michigan Center, MI @Moxie, How old are your children? Could turn this into a music corner. Put music books inside stoll. Put children's pictures on top of piano. Put other music items in toy box for visitors. My grandson and his friends like to gather around the piano. Put sliders under piano and move to over to right a bit and put toy box under left curtain. Large mirror or family picture, deer head ect. over piano.
    comment photo
  • Lauren of Mom Home Guide Lauren of Mom Home Guide on Jan 10, 2014
    Thanks for the ideas! My kids are now 10 (twins). We have sinced moved the toy boxes to a basement play area, so the only thing in the room right now is the piano!
  • Accentuations! Accentuations! on Jan 10, 2014
    Hi there Lauren! After looking at the photos I decided that you need to "divide" the space into areas. I would turn the piano so it faces into the room from the corner out into the room...not against the wall! Those windows would provide great light for the musicians in the house during the day. Beside the piano I would create a reading area with a chair, table and could sit and enjoy the music! I would also utilize an attractive task light on the piano for evenings. Starting on the other side of the room, I would put your sofa on the 10 ft. wall. Use a coffee table in front of it. Opposite the sofa and table I would place two side chairs to create a conversation area. A table and lamp between them would be nice, as would a area rug. Extend the area to the length of space you feel appropriate, On the wall by the stairs you could place a storage piece (small dresser, low cabinet, etc. for storage and design. Beneath the chair rail would be nice) You can display photos, etc. there. In the entry I would definitely remove the shelving and replace it with a table or small chest for keys, mail, etc... With a nice mirror above it to create more light in the area! A decorative lamp would be nice as well. If you have no guest closet I might suggest a hall tree. A nice bench could work there as well. The trick is to make the areas work for you! And by the way, I like your drapes! Sorry to go on.....draw the room on paper first (looking down at it) it will help you immensely!
  • Cynthia E Cynthia E on Jan 10, 2014
    If you draw up floor plan to scale windows doors etc. and furniture , piano etc. to scale on construction paper cut out furniture pieces and then play with them around room to see what will work best w/o moving heavy pieces trying it out... or here is a link to free virtual floor plans
  • Lauren of Mom Home Guide Lauren of Mom Home Guide on Jan 10, 2014
    Thanks! I will try out your link. I have been using Raymour & Flanigan's online room planner:
  • White Oak Studio Designs White Oak Studio Designs on Jan 11, 2014
    Your entry has so such potential!! Where you now have the two toy boxes (backed up against the staircase) you could put a larger case piece like a wide storage chine cabinet or a console table with seated bench9s) for dropping off mail, purses and boots etc. It can be both pretty and functional. You mention walk through room. I can't really tell the amount of room size you are working with or your furniture type/style but here is an example of something to consider. I might suggest trying to make usage "areas" using area rugs to outline our space. For example in our Ranch home you walk into a long entry hall with entry/exit doors on both sides. We happen to have linoleum flooring (chosen due to large dogs) that looks like wood but this could work with carpeting too. You turn and go into the kitchen/large open room in which I have created a dining room and living room. Each has a large area rug to define the specific area I am creating. The kitchen is separated from the dining area by a row of cupboards and a granite bar. To separate and define the dining from the living room, I put my couch (back facing out) with a sofa table behind it. This separate the dining from the living room even though its really all one big room. This has worked for us. Go to for photographs.
  • Lauren of Mom Home Guide Lauren of Mom Home Guide on Jan 11, 2014
    Thanks for your ideas! I will go to your website and look at the photos. Thanks again.
  • Jeanette S Jeanette S on Jan 11, 2014
    Keep in mind that the piano has to go on an inside wall because moisture is not good for the sound board...meaning the wall opposite the door...or it can back up to the stairs. That would put it out of the way, make it a focal point for the room. A slipper chair can fit on one end of it (pulled into service when needed) . That leaves the rest of the room for your furniture. Slipper chairs take up less space than large chairs. If this is to be used as a TV Den, bean bag chairs for the kids to lounge on can be thrown over behind a small love seat at the end of the room. A set of a couple of comfortable chairs on each side of the room are as serviceable as 2 sofas...since no one ever sits in the middle of the sofa. If you must have a regular size sofa, couple of chairs in an "L" across from the sofa and facing the end of the room will act as a divider, creating a passageway in front of the piano. (I hope I have interpreted this room correctly.)
  • Lauren of Mom Home Guide Lauren of Mom Home Guide on Jan 11, 2014
    Thanks for your tips, Jeanette!
  • Lauren of Mom Home Guide Lauren of Mom Home Guide on Jan 11, 2014
    Great tip, thanks! I can never get my husband to move things for me, so it would be great to move things on my own!
  • Mona Mona on Jan 11, 2014
    Just be careful when placing the piano. I believe it has to sit a certain way on your flooring so that the weight is distributed or it can give you floor problems. I may be wrong but this is what I was originally told.
  • Coco lee Coco lee on Feb 19, 2018

    I would think about installing a Murphy bed on the ten foot wall. There are styles with built in desks so it can double as an office and guest room. Then maybe two love seats across from each other with a storage ottoman between them to hold bedding, blankets, etc.

  • Beni Beni on Apr 12, 2023

    There are a lot of affordable living room ideas if you don’t wanna spend too much money on redecorating your space. If I were you I would repaint the furniture, making it a nice white, I would replace the rocking chair and add some plants and a tall standing lamp. I would put some paintings on the wall to give it a nice and welcoming feel. Try to place a rug, to add a pop of color in the room. This year bold colors are rocking and chosen by a lot of people. Personally I like the modern look, so I would go with something like this, nice white and glossy furniture with black metal. I would have an accent wall and put a nice cozy sofa in the middle with two matching chairs and a glass coffee table in the middle and some candles as a decor.