How to find outif a wall can hold a shelf of heavy things?

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  6 answers
  • Donna warner Donna warner on May 18, 2017

    Tap the wall to find a stud.... Or invest in a stud finder.. then make sure to sink the nails in the studs

  • FL FL on May 18, 2017

    Finding a stud is the best way to go, but if you don't find one, they have anchors that you attach to a screw or that you put in a screw hole first, then put the screw into and turn. The anchor can be plastic or metal. It can hold more weight than a screw through the wall alone but not as much as a screw in a stud. The anchors make only a small hole, can be removed and are reusable. Different sizes will hold different weight loads. Good luck!

  • Joanna Joanna on May 18, 2017

    I agree with the above, but I have also used a product called Gorilla hooks --they are amazing and can be used to hang items in dry wall.

  • Jennifer | CrazyDiyMom Jennifer | CrazyDiyMom on May 18, 2017

    It will really depend on how heavy your shelf is and how much more weight you will add by the things you set on it. I would try to locate a stud and hang it with the studs. I've had too many shelves start to lean forward or fall off the wall from being too heavy. Good luck!

  • KatAych KatAych on May 22, 2017

    Ditto to finding the studs. Whenever we have to hang something heavy, we also use French cleats. They go by different names (you can usually find them in the picture hanging section) and various sizes - also weight capacities.

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  • User User on May 22, 2017

    Thanks for all the help, I want to put books and files on the shelf, turning a corner into an office space for my online business 👌