Cutting area of grass, between neighbor and ours.

by Judy
How can I ask a neighbor, who doesn't want to cut the area, between his lawn and ours to cut this area? It is HIS property, not ours, but he doesn't care. Please do grant me the correct words to use, Thank you. I want the weeds taken out, so I will not get more weeds. He doesn't care. Thank you for your wisdom, J.
  11 answers
  • Michele Pappagallo Michele Pappagallo on May 20, 2017

    I would speak with him nicely and ask is he realizes the area is his responsibility. Mention that you feel it needs to be mowed regularly. If he doesn't seem interested, offer to mow the area yourself for a small fee. Maybe he will get the hint.

    • Judy Judy on May 20, 2017

      Thank you, we have no mower, for my husband is ill, and we have it done. He is dense to his responsibility, so I am urgent to clean out the horrid weeds, tho it is not my responsibility. Thank you again, Judy.

  • First you will never totally get rid of weeds, only control them, but with a neighbor like that, it is a bit more challenging.

    That is a tough one. Now is their grass and weeds tall enough to be a fire hazard? If so, they may be violating a City Ordinance and the Fire Department can make then mow, at least every once in a while. I would look on your City's website or call the Fire Department to find out.

    I would seriously consider putting up a low fence between your yards, even a low wall, say 18" to 24" might help.

    • Judy Judy on May 20, 2017

      We have a fence between the lots, tho this is about 36", I don't want added weeds from that area, to come into our yard. I will ask a person, who works on the city council, he may have a good thought for me, too. Thank you for your wisdom. Judy.

  • Marcie Marcie on May 20, 2017

    You sweet person, trying to find the right words. Basically, he can chose what he wants. You can ask, and if I were in this situation, I would explain to him how his caring for his lawn would help you. The other thing you could do is offer to cut this area for him, since it matters to you. This is a tough one! But hopefully, he's willing either to pitch in or let you do it! The best to you! Let me know how this goes!

    • See 1 previous
    • Judy Judy on May 20, 2017

      Marcie, his wife pays the lawn bill, so that is why she may be more receptive in handling this matter, than he is. Some men, just don't care, you know? That is the diff. in folks, right? Thanks again, Judy.

  • Elaine Rice Elaine Rice on May 20, 2017

    Make him your best bud, no negativity. Find something about his yard to complement. Casually bring up 'the area', maybe suggest taking turns mowing it if necessary, because you are a good neighbor. And when he mows it, ALWAYS tell him how nice it looks! Maybe eventually, he will start doing it himself.

  • Evelyn Brennan Evelyn Brennan on May 20, 2017

    If you have a homeowners' association, I would refer the problem to them. If not, I could use a leaf killer on it to make it stop growing altogether. If this does not work, I would put a row of shrubs on the property line to clearly delineate what is his and what is yours, preferably one that grows tall enough that you cannot easily spot his jungle from your side!

    • Judy Judy on May 20, 2017

      OH, the temptation to do just this!!!!! Wow, but this is a walkway, to get to the back street.. owned by us/them. Not the city. I will ask a councilman about this, and see what he says. He may know of a idea, that I am not thinking of, Thank you. J.

  • Margaret Margaret on May 20, 2017

    I used to mow the two front lawns of my neighbors for my own sanity and to keep up the appearance of our street. I just did it. One of the neighbors swore it was her grandson who did it, I never told her otherwise but would have liked some sort of appreciation shown. The other neighbor sold his house and I kept up the mowing until the new people moved in... I even planted tulips so it would be pretty come spring when they moved in. They are still the neighbors from hell that are beyond help from anyone in the neighborhood. I did however put in a six foot solid fence in the back yard. On your side yard according to covenants, you should be able to put up a six foot fence as far as the front edge of your house and a four foot fence within four feet of the street. Good fences make for good neighbors!!!

    • Judy Judy on May 20, 2017

      Very good, thank you. Folks sure are diff., aren't they? Thank Goodness we are all diff!!!! Thank you so much, Judy.

  • William William on May 20, 2017

    I agree with Margaret and Evelyn. I would not waste my time with someone who doesn't care. Talking to him , no matter the tone, will not inspire him to do anything. It's his property and he can do as he pleases. I would plant some bushes or put up a fence to separate your property from his.

  • Kate Baxter Kate Baxter on May 20, 2017

    I have a wonderful but no gardener on one side of me and a renter on the other who refuses to to pull his weeds out on his side which means my side gets his weeds. For years I have gone over and pulled his weeds and cut the grass. This year I am trying something different. I will pull and cut as usual BUT. we have a chain link fence between us. I have bought long rolls of weed block cloth. I intend to cover my side of the fence with this material and also have it pinned down for about one foot on my side. I am hoping this will keep his stuff out of my garden. The one thing that really bugs me is that I have a beautiful flowering bush and the flowers always seem to grow on his side of the fence!! The 'neighbour from hell'

    lives directly across the street from me. As I type I am looking at his lawn which is mainly dandelions. They are 2 feet high. This weekend is the first decent weekend we have had all year as it has been unusually wet and cold. Now it is sunny and warm. If he doesn't mow I will be calling the city to complain. I had to do this two years ago and the city gave him a warning about the city bylaw about unsightly yards. I hate doing this but I am the one who has to deal with his dandelions in my lawn.

  • Judy Judy on May 20, 2017

    We have a fence, between us, tho our fence goes almost to the property line, and he wanted room to put his lawn mower to this area. So, my hubby agreed to this. Tho, he doesn't get concerned of the weeds, and tall weeds, like I do, for I know the new weeds, will pass on seeds to our lawn, to grow, and so forth. Some of the growth, is about 3' to 3.5" tall, how much taller do they have to get, before something can be done? Maybe I will ask our lawn mower person, what price he will charge, just to get this off my mind, and ease my memory. Thank you so much, Judy.

  • Pat Long Pat Long on May 20, 2017

    Do you mind if I cut it?

  • Judy Judy on May 20, 2017

    Do you mean a VERY SHORT CUT?? I must be wise, thank you.