Best way to store magazine collection?

Chris Figtree
by Chris Figtree
I have lots of magazines that I would like to keep. They are just stacked in piles right now but would like better storage, even display for them. Any ideas?
  3 answers
  • Shoshana Shoshana on May 21, 2017

    A bookcase like this one looks crazy cool and will also hold all your magazines for sure!

    comment photo
  • Dysko7710 Dysko7710 on May 21, 2017

    You could use old crates, or paint crates for storage. You could hang fun hooks on the wall and then hang hangers from the hooks and sling the magazines over the hanger, that way they would be displayed. Or hang curtain or shower curtain rods and hang the magazines over those. You could buy open slatted magazine shelves, as well, to hang.

  • Chris Figtree Chris Figtree on May 21, 2017

    Yowza!!! Thanks for sharing