What can I do with a dremmel?

I have recently started doing woodwork as a hobby. I found a dremmel tool in all of my husband's old tools but have no idea what it does.

  7 answers
  • Martha Parish Martha Parish on Jun 27, 2017

    Our daughter uses hers to etch glasses. She personalizes them and gives them as gifts. Always wear a mask to avoid breathing in the dust. Pinterest has lots of good ideas for use on wood.

  • Ken Ken on Jun 27, 2017

    You should also have a lot of small bits to attach to the Dremel. If not, check at the nearest hardware store to see what they have. If you can find someone there to show you what the tool can do that would be ideal. What is that place that advertises the helpful hardware folks?

    Grinding, sanding, carving, cutting small items and other detail work is where a Dremel Tool shines. For sure a Dremel is of no use for a project like building a dog house.

  • B J  Alexis B J Alexis on Jun 28, 2017

    Many attachments are available for a Dremel as Ken noted, there is also an attachment for buffing and polishing small items, comes in handy for polishing brass door knobs and hardware.

  • Gma Kirk Gma Kirk on Jun 28, 2017

    following!! I have a new dremel myself!

  • Ann Ann on Jun 28, 2017

    Lucky you! You can do some neat things with a Dremel. Before his health declined my husband used to carve primitive Santas and sell them online. We lived on wooded acreage then and had access to neat curvy wood. Looking back, I might start doing this myself. Here's a photo of the only ones we kept. Number 3 and number 19.

    comment photo
  • Hillela G. Hillela G. on Jun 28, 2017

    My friend made a coffee scoop as his first project, it came out lovely!

  • LINDA LINDA on Jun 28, 2017

    Go to YouTube...type in "dremel tool"...I bet there are some videos that will show you the how and what of a dremel...it's a pretty handy little tool!! Have fun!!