Need to block sun from porch in evening. All open on west side.

  7 answers
  • Narevalo Narevalo on Jul 08, 2017

    are window and door shades that attach to the frame of your house, which keep out summer and sun but let in winter sun. I think they are quite expensive. They are solar heating / cooling. You can also buy $10 outside shades from Wal-Mart. I put those in front of my french doors to help keep out the heat in those windows. I bought the corrugated shades for the bedroom windows. I had a big umbrella to shade the patio, but we get really bad winds, and the wind finally took it out. So, we've planted shade trees. We don't have a big yard, but we did find some medium growing, narrow tall trees to plant. Ovbbvioulsly, that isn't a short-term fix.

  • Narevalo Narevalo on Jul 08, 2017

    Sorry, this editor bounces around. there should be a 'There' at the beginning. :-/

  • How about roll up bamboo shades? Or make curtains from flat sheets or drop cloths?

  • Nancy Turner Nancy Turner on Jul 08, 2017

    I would go with bamboo shades, durable, attractive and easy to take down or put back up in the event of big winds with storms or for the winter season if you don't want them to stay up.

  • Barb Barb on Jul 08, 2017

    heres some picture ideas

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  • Cin21825342 Cin21825342 on Jul 09, 2017

    Coolaroo shades work perfectly!

  • Charles Ridgway Charles Ridgway on Jul 09, 2017

    There is a idea for shading on instructables 2x4s hooks and Louvres