Has anyone made a cat tree?

by Liza
My daughter is getting a cat. We are first time cat owners and have no clue about what they like.

  7 answers
  • Holly Kinchlea-Brown Holly Kinchlea-Brown on Aug 11, 2017

    ive spent lots of money on cat toys ....including a cat tree. Her favourite toy? A twisted pipe cleaner...the tree doesn't get a sniff!

  • Fong-Lie Bavelaar Fong-Lie Bavelaar on Aug 11, 2017

    Cat's have a mind on their own, cat-tree-house done, cat does not use it, wipe little catnip on it. They love little balls with a bell in it, I got some crickets from Walmart what make noise, they love it. Watch out, cat's will steal anything in your house what they like, very dangerous, rubber ring, sewing tread, wool, and everything what is very small, they play with everything!! Be careful with plants, many are poisonous. Hope for the cat you don't declaw it, it's an awful operations, I had one what was for the rest of his life disabled, I learned that hard way, will never do this again to a cat. One fly in your house, they will hunt it, you drapes will be destroyed. Furniture the same, all my cat's have their own chairs, or they lay in my bed, from flea markets for $5, is the chair totally destroyed, I just get another one for $5. Sounds like I am living in a dump with cat scratched items, no, my house is super clean, and I have 6 cat's, the best company a person can have, they are a lot of fun. Good luck to you and the new kitten, you will see you will have a lot of fun, and keep asking, that's how you learn. Get it fixed as soon as possible, we are overpopulated with cat's, many are homeless, and the shelters are overly full. Greetings from a former Vet. Assistant, an animal lover and rescuer.

  • Liz Liz on Aug 11, 2017

    Have their front claws removed. They don't need anything excessive. Just your attention.

  • Ken Ken on Aug 11, 2017

    It is understandable if you have never had a cat before. I will tell you from my limited experience that cats do not grow on cat trees. Would be much neater if they did. They have an entirely different way of making new cats.

  • Mle27721766 Mle27721766 on Aug 11, 2017

    If you get onto pinterest they have great pet ideas. I recently got some ideas for making a dog bed for my nieces new puppy.

  • Melissa Thompson Melissa Thompson on Aug 11, 2017

    All you need is PVC pipe, wood planks, and strap carpeting. Create the form of the tree with the PVC pipe, add the wood planks to the top of each pipe, when start adding your carpeting to it.