How I Painted My Kitchen Backsplash

Pat Rios
by Pat Rios
3 Hours
After we painted our kitchen walls in a very light shade of gray, the whole space looked much brighter and cleaner. On the other hand, the fresh wall paint enhanced the horrible aspect of our old, grubby-looking backsplash. Since we can't spend money on a proper renovation, I decided to paint it, and I couldn't be happier with the result!
This is how it looked before. Yuck!
And this is how it looks now. Better, right?!
First thing I did was to clean it well. First with soap water, then with windex to remove all dirt and grease.
Next I taped the areas around the tiles I didn't want any paint on.
Because I was concerned about the paint adherence to the tiles, I brushed one coat of this amazing product called ultra-grip by Fusion Mineral Paint (no, they are not my sponsors, I just genuinely love their stuff). It is specially developed to increase paint adherence on tricky surfaces.
Check my blog post for direct links to buy the products I used here.
It dries totally clear after a few minutes.
Next I brushed one coat of Lamp White by Fusion Mineral Paint. It took only one coat to cover the area completely! You may need more coats if your tiles are much darker than the color you choose.
After the paint was dry to the touch, I applied one coat of one of my favorite sealers. High Performance Top Coat by General Finishes (also, NOT my sponsors) .
This is the final result. I love how fresh and bright the whole kitchen looks now.
The whole process took a little over three hours.
I hope this tutorial was helpful. You can find more pictures and a more detailed tutorial on my blog post (link below).
Pat Rios
Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
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  • Laurie Conley Sellers Laurie Conley Sellers on Feb 17, 2018

    Awesome! Will this work in the bathroom (shower)?

  • Cori Cori on Sep 22, 2018

    I’m definitely doing this ! One question... my backsplash unfortunately are the small little squares what would u suggest ? I’m painting my whole kitchen for makeover and these tiles are terrible!

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  • Dri15201807 Dri15201807 on Sep 27, 2018

    What about doing this in a RV. Rv’s backsplash are made with cheap material (at least my is... it’s like cardboard material type I believe)

    Anyway can I do that to my?

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  • Pre7673219 Pre7673219 on Feb 06, 2018
    • Definitely have to try this because your kitchen looks great. I bought my old house 15 years ago & it has blue & peachy colored tiles in the kitchen. I have been wanting to do something with the color , now I am inspired. Thanks for the great instructions.