How to make a DIY snowboard wall mount

by Gavi
I have a beautiful green snowboard that isn't being used very much (read: haven't been used in the past 6 years) but its so beautiful and I don't want to get rid of it - holding on to that sliver of hope that I'll actually use it again! We don't have a lot of storage space in our apartment (the board is currently kind of just leaning against a wall in the corner next to our couch) but we do have quite a bit of wall space! I want to mount it to the wall while keeping it secure and sturdy without buying an expensive professional mount.... any ideas? Anyone done something like this before?

  5 answers
  • No need for an expensive mount, a few decorative brackets and a nice wood shelf will do it. Use sugru to keep in place. Just be sure to find the studs to mount the brackets. Any home improvement store will have everything you need.

  • Ann Cherkas Halstead Ann Cherkas Halstead on Sep 28, 2017

    You could use a tv mount

  • Nancy Flemming Nancy Flemming on Sep 28, 2017

    My daughter had the same issue. She used a couple of decorative curtain tie backs, spray painted black then screwed to studs, the board sat between the two, there was a curly groove that the board fit into perfectly and became a piece of wall art. Good luck.

  • Amanda Amanda on Sep 28, 2017

    You can go to the hardware store and purchase some brackets that you would use in the garage.

  • KattywhampusLOL KattywhampusLOL on Sep 28, 2017

    Hello Gavi :) Here is a link showing you how to wall mount your snowboard using two door stops! (cost maybe $10 or so ... not bad) ;)

    Hope this helps you. Thanks for using HOMETALK for answers :) And here is one that uses hooks:

    and one other that may give you an idea about how to create your own less expensively with these dynamics in mind: Good Luck Gavi, and thanks for using HOMETALK for ideas :)