What can i do with this stand , any creative ideas?

Tom Wininger
by Tom Wininger
  10 answers
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Sep 29, 2017

    If you have a garden or a patio hang bottles with fairy lights

  • Malicity D'Obscura Malicity D'Obscura on Sep 29, 2017

    Find a bird cage in the trash....I've found two, recently. Paint in a colour to your liking. Add "rice" lights, which are really tiny LEDs that you can get in a "warm" white, also they can come on a strand of 100, that plugs in, with a remote, which has a reostat/dimmer and on/off switch. Put a diorama, or plants with vintage feathered artificial birds in the cage. Succulents are good for low maintenance. Then wind the little lights throughout the bars, birds and such, with the wiring going down to a plug. Sit with the remote in a chair, far away and enjoy making the lights rise and fall in your little world on a stand.

  • Kate Kate on Sep 29, 2017

    Pad the upright section, wrap in burlap, take an old umbrella with the fabric off make palm leaves out of fabric, make a palm tree with little lights on your deck.

    Run string from base to top , use in garden as a bean pole or vine stand. Bird feeder stand? Wind Chimes?

  • Ana Bacallao Ana Bacallao on Sep 29, 2017

    I would definitely paint it a happy color and use it to hang plant baskets Of different lengths.

  • Shaley Shaley on Sep 29, 2017

    I would buy wire kit it for a floor lamp running wiring up the center of the tube and out where each branch is with lights and top with small shades or go bold and use creative color to match your Vector art.

  • If there is room you could hang 2 mini-chandeliers from the brackets. Put battery powered candles in the chandeliers. Oh, and spray paint the coat rack the same color as the chandelier :) - white, ivory, etc. I'll try to attack a pic of the one I used to hang from a corner plant hanger. I would post a pic of that but it was in our last house. The glass parts that held the candles are missing and I haven't been able to find them.

    comment photo
  • Cynthia H Cynthia H on Sep 30, 2017

    I would hang scarfs and jewelry on it and top it with a hat.

  • Gayle Deas Gayle Deas on Oct 01, 2017

    It's difficult to tell from this one picture, but can you bend the "arms" on top to make a hall tree? Paint a favorite color (I'm thinking a bright turquois) and place near entryway.

  • Debbie Debbie on Oct 01, 2017

    I'd cut a round board,mount in center,go into theback and mount celling fan blades.Paint flower any color you want,You may be able to mount some leaves onto the stand and paint that all different shades of green, bury the bottom,so it doesn't topple over,Can't really tell much about the make up of the top,but you may be able to drop down some bird feeders or hangi baskets,keeping in mind to keep balanced

  • 62q10370829 62q10370829 on Oct 03, 2017

    Get qt mason jars & get handles from hobby lobby for jars & put solar lights in them & hang on top. Fix top so they can hang straight. Spray paint stand gold or silver & lights will refect off it. Good luck