How to start a flower garden

Ashley Warner
by Ashley Warner
I have a black thumb when it comes to plants and flowers. Is there a place to start to work your way up to a luscious garden?

  10 answers
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Sep 29, 2017

    what is you location

  • Amanda Amanda on Sep 29, 2017

    Hi Ashley. First I would pick a small spot to start your flower garden. Then look on the internet. I would find plants that are low maintenance. When you plant you want to have the taller plants in the back and shorter in the front. You can add accents like a water fountain, solar lights, or garden statues. Some local nursery's even have free classes to help you get started.

  • Dianacirce70 Dianacirce70 on Sep 29, 2017

    Are you looking to have an indoor or outdoor garden? Try simple flowers first, things that need little care and pruning, like petunias. They have a variety of colors and are so pretty and happy looking

  • DesertRose DesertRose on Sep 29, 2017

    When I complained to my Grandma about not having a green thumb, she told me to start with ONE flower and learn how to take care of it. She gave me lots of Organic Gardening booklets and helped me get started. She said to add a new flower each year and develop a knack for it. Daffodils or tulips can be put in the ground in the fall, or any bulb flower. Read about the one you want and how to properly plant and care for it. Gladiolas are also very pretty to plant in the fall for all summer blooms. Also, go to your local nursery and get to know the staff and pick their brains about where to start and how to plant. They love to help people. Learn which blooms like sun (like roses!) and which like shade (like hostas). I am not afraid to try any plant new now, where as I could not keep anything alive before I asked Grandma for help. You can do it! Remember start with ONE, and do it well. Go from there. It is a life long hobby now and I love my flowers! P.S. The easiest I found for blooms are the petunias. See photos of my flowers: first 2 are mostly petunias, last are miniroses. I love mini-roses because they bloom in "bouquets".

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  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Sep 29, 2017

    Start by Getting a good book on the subject or Garden magazines..... OR join a Garden Club, where you will find other enthusiast who will be willing to help you...............

  • Roxaneg Roxaneg on Sep 29, 2017

    The key is to understand your yard. What areas get sun 6 hours a day and which don't? Then figure out if you have any moist areas and if you have drier areas.

    Look for plants that fit those areas. Go to a local nursery and ask them which plants fit into a sunny location, which fit best in a shady place. Most plants these days are marked and even color coded. Read the labels. Even if you fall in love with a plant, don't buy it and expect it to live in a place it doesn't like. Fit the plant to the space.

    Plant perennials that come back each year in the right spot and water them as needed. Perennials will be the cornerstone of your garden; you can fill in with annuals. Perennials aren't going to make the garden spectacular the first year. They "sleep, creep, then leap" which means that the first year they kind of sleepily hang around, then the second year they kinda creep into their space and by the third year they leap-- growing and becoming established.

    The other thing to keep in mind is the height of the plants. Tall plants can shade smaller plants. Put taller plants in the back and put the smaller plants in front.

    There are plenty of plants out there that are hard to kill. Hostas and daylilies are pretty tough, but the local nursery can make recommendations for your area. Take notes and know that buying a smaller plant will save you money especially if you are patient enough to wait for it to get established.

  • Sarah Sota Sarah Sota on Sep 29, 2017

    start with sempervivans known as hen and chicks. They are low to the ground and super tough. Autumn joy is a sedum which is upright about a foot or so and goes behind the others.... tough also. These are perennials and will last for years

    .When spring comes, put in colorful bloomers. Water when needed.

  • Ginny Ginny on Sep 29, 2017

    Call local community colleges and/or universities and ask if they have ag or landscaping courses. A student might love to have you as a project toward his or her grade(s).