How do you grow strawberries?

  3 answers
  • Mike Kilbourn Mike Kilbourn on Oct 22, 2017

    Decide if you want ever bearing or June bearing, your home extension service can help determine which is best for you. I grow June bearing and these instructions are how I grow mine. After buying your strawberry plants, soak the roots in water for 1 or 2 hours before planting. and plant them as soon as the ground can be worked in Spring, plant the plants in a hole big enough so the roots are not cramped, I usually make the hole 3 or 4 times as wide and twice as deep as the root, but I trim the root so it's not longer than about 8 inches long, and leave the crown even with the dirt.

    Plant them 20 to 24 inches apart and about 4 feet between rows, as the runners emerge you can fill the space in the rows with them, or once the runners develop roots you can transplant them to start new rows.

    In the first year nip off the blossoms, because the plant needs to be established and this will result in better fruit the next year.

    In the Fall before the first frost cover your plants with straw or anything that will protect the plants from the cold of winter.

    After the last chance of frost in Spring, uncover the green leaves. Then wait for the berries.

    After you have an established berry patch, you will never need to buy plants again, I have so many runners, or as some call them sisters, I use them to replace old plants so I always have viable berry producing plants, and if you get to many you can give them away or sell them. Good luck, and enjoy.

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Oct 22, 2017

    In Tubs or Baskets.