Winter shelter for outdoor cats

by Jefferson
any ideas on how to "construct" or create even a temporary winter shelter for outdoor cats? I'm talking about 12 cats.

  7 answers
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Dec 08, 2017

  • DesertRose DesertRose on Dec 08, 2017

    Some people buy styrofoam coolers and set them inside a box. They stuff hay or something similar between the box and styrofoam cooler. Then cut a small doorway on the front of box and same place on cooler. Put a soft blanket inside and maybe some food and water.

  • Mollyc64 Mollyc64 on Dec 08, 2017

    There is a page on Pinterest that shows u different ideas on this that myself got ideas from,good luck,Linda

  • Ginny Ginny on Dec 08, 2017

    Are they feral or yours? I would call my local vet clinic or Animal Shelter and ask them.

  • Ann Cherkas Halstead Ann Cherkas Halstead on Dec 08, 2017

    We took the door off a cat carrier. Put a heating pad on the top and placed a towel over that.

  • 27524803 27524803 on Dec 08, 2017

    We have 2 outdoor cats we are feeding and they have taken up residence in our shed (open ended) for our dune buggy... I put old pillows in the foot wells and old towels on the seats... we have also started propping open the door to our garage.. and they can get under our storage barn ( and occasionally one sleeps out with the horse or in the hay storage bin and we had one cat that used to sleep in with the chickens at night.

    The truth is... they are CATS... you cannot get them to go or sleep where you want them to... unless they are kept a large cage or enclosed area..

    The main thing is to give them an area out of rain or snow and cold wind...

    hay bales, carpet stapled on the walls , can provide insulation or make a wind break. baskets, boxes, crates, large (15 gallon) plastic plant pots or buckets, laid on their sides, screwed down on shelves can make a snug bed with old towels or blankets for padding. One or more heat lamps can bring the temps up enough that the cat's fur coats can keep them fairly warm.

    Lots of places, like Walmart and Dollar Stores have small fleece blankets on sale right now for about $5 which are the perfect size for a cat.