Destroy Anthills With an Orange

by Luis
You can get rid of those bothersome anthills around your house without using toxic chemicals, it turns out citrus fruit contain natural pesticides. So just grind up an orange peel and all in a blender, add water and pour it on the nathill
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2 of 8 comments
  • Ema360070 Ema360070 on Jun 21, 2014
    Try coffee grounds worked for me! Killed them boogers! LOL
  • Beth Beth on Jul 14, 2024

    I had this problem in a mobile home in So Cal. San Diego area. I purchased "Termador" on line (this is a professional product) my pest control guy used it. I had thousands of ants in my kitchen right after I moved in. Follow package directions carefully. Worked great. Had a few follow-on incidents but after 3 monthly treatments followed by perimeter treatments every 2-3 months my problem was permanently solved. I had so may ants that you could not see the pattern on the wallpaper. Don't panic, spray with glass cleaner with ammonia and wipe up the mess. Then start treating the outside of the home. The glass cleaner will kill the ants that are invading. I called a local pet control company after the first invasion. They sprayed with Termador and fogged under the house. The area that I lived had a huge ant population. After the first 3 months treatment (professionally) I was told to get Termador and that I should be able to control the problem myself. Just used a 1 gallon pump garden sprayer (marked for Termador only) and treated during problem months myself for the following 4 years. My neighbors on both sides never treated but reported that their problems improved also with my treatments. The ants take the poison back to the ant colony and it works to kill off the whole colony.

    PS: Termador is actually a termite product, so if you have termites this will solve 2 problems.
