Improving appearance of ceiling tiles

Avia anderson
by Avia anderson
I have a 20’x10’ suspendedceiling in the lanai of our manufactured home. Some tiles have gaps or chips. Is there an inexpensive way to make them look fresher and updated other than paint?
  6 answers
  • 27524803 27524803 on Dec 29, 2017

    what about a stencil to make them look like tin ceiling tiles

  • Sue Harviel Sue Harviel on Dec 30, 2017

    Take the tiles down. Spray paint the metal a dark color to make it "disappear". Cover the tiles in fabric and put the tiles back in place. Tape the fabric to the tiles so they won't slip. I did this in my basement bedroom and it looks amazing. Cheap fix if you already have fabric, curtains, sheets whatever.

  • Em Em on Dec 30, 2017

    I had a leak and it ruined several of my kitchen tiles. I was not ready for the expense of replacing them all so I tried pre pasted wall paper. Worked like a charm. They stuck so well and you can leave a 1/2 inch or an inch all the way around past the supports like a border. I just did the bad ones by the leak and papered the stained ones. I took good ones from the center of the room and traded them for the ones in the corner that were stained and ruined. I ended up with the patterned ones in the center of the room and the plain ones all around the edges. Looked terrific and all you need to do is measure, cut and stick them on. They adhered very well to the ceiling tile.

    • See 1 previous
    • Em Em on Jan 06, 2018

      Sorry to say I moved from that house a year ago or I would have been happy to show you. The wallpaper adhered to the tile so well I would do it again if I had a drop ceiling. Replacement tile is quite pricey.

  • Sue Harviel Sue Harviel on Jan 06, 2018

    Sorry Folks. I did this to make the room look better when I put the house on the market. I guess it worked because the house sold in a week which is super quick in my area.

  • C C on Apr 25, 2018

    I had the kind of ceiling they call a "hung ceiling" with tiles in my laundry room. I took paintable wallpaper and wallpapered each 2' x 4' tile and then painted them with semigloss to reflect the light. As you can see by the green painters tape, I am preparing to paint the wood moldings.

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