How do You Store Underwear if You Don't have Enough Room?

by Dan
Hey Folks,i sometimes have to Store my Underwear & Don't always have Room in Draw,Any Ideas? Dan

  8 answers
  • If you do not have enough drawer space, how about boxes or baskets that can be kept in the closet?

  • Molly Anmar Molly Anmar on Jan 02, 2018

    There are a number of organizational things you can do, Dan. It's difficult to give good suggestions without knowing what it is you're dealing with. Do you have shelves or closets?

    Here are a number of things from Pinterest:

  • Mar30864815 Mar30864815 on Jan 02, 2018

    Think about under the bed storage crate. Maybe a hanging sweater unit in

    the closet.

  • Nancy Turner Nancy Turner on Jan 02, 2018

    You could use one of those hanging shoe organizers that hangs on your closet rod, you would probably have room to store other items, too.

  • Linda Sikut Linda Sikut on Jan 02, 2018

    Hi Nancy,

    I like the under the bed storage idea because that's space that is normally not used. Just be sure to measure the height of the opening. We bought a couple of them and they didn't fit under the bed I wanted to use. We did end up finding another bed that worked, but you don't have that option.

    The other thing you can do is go through your drawers and get rid of anything you don't wear anymore or maybe hang some of those things up. There are several kinds of hangers for shirts and pants that will hang more than 1 in the same space. I have several of them in my closet hanging 4 pairs of pants in my closet. If you do that, you'll have room in your dresser for your underwear.

    Below is a link to what another Hometalk member did with her closet to get more organized and have more room. Maybe this will help you. Wishing you the best!

  • Janet Panos Janet Panos on Jan 02, 2018

    All these ideas are great. I am currently staying in a trailer with limited storage space. I store my underwear on a shelf in my closet. Very easy to grab one every morning!

  • Landsharkinnc Landsharkinnc on Jan 02, 2018

    you can only wear one pair at a time, x 7 days + 3 for not doing laundry in a timely manner -- 10 pair socks, 10 underwear, you're good to go -- ditch the rest

  • FL FL on Jan 03, 2018

    Maybe hang them up on trouser hangers, four or five to a hanger held with clips. You've got to love a man with more underwear than he can handle!

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