After a cold winter in Missouri can we assume the Oak Mites are dead ?

by Jka10139579
for last 2 years I have been attacked by the Oak Mites ,all over my body. The bushes have been sprayed near the house, even took to hanging fabric softener sheets on my door areas. I have permanent scars from the little buggers. I know no perfume, etc. Still bites. What can I expect this year in the Kansas City area ?


  4 answers
  • D D on Feb 12, 2018

    My old country MD suggested taking 100 mg of Vitamin B-1 daily during spring and summer months. Changes your smell (to an insect) from sweet to sulphur. Bugs are attracted to the sweet smell. Humans can't tell the difference.

    Available over the counter wherever vitamins are sold. Repels mosquitos and other pests. Certainly worth a try. Good luck. Let me know how it works. I am a bug magnet otherwise.

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Feb 12, 2018

    Wear a n insect repellant......

  • Lauri Lauri on Feb 20, 2018

    I am just one hour West of you! I have 3 large Oak trees in my yard, and mites for the last 2 years also. I am with D. I have taken vitamin B-1 for 24 years. I start in April, and take it every day, almost up to Halloween. My 2 yr.old daughter was/is allergic to chiggers, and would puff up from the bites. Her pediatrician told me to give the B-1, NOT a B complex, to keep those pests at bay. I started taking them myself. They are safe, water soluble, non-odorous for humans, and taking it morning and night, means you don't have to use repellent. She and I could count the chigger/mosquito bites on one hand, and that is for 24 years! It also has seemed to keep ticks off too. Again, they could be counted on the same hand for the same period. I was NOT bothered by the mites. I got a couple of them on me, when raking leaves, but they did not bite me. They did bite my husband, who was not taking the B-1.

    This will not get rid of the mites, but will keep you MUCH more comfortable. If you are not taking enough of the B-1, it will not give you much of a change. 100mg/day is what my daughter was prescribed as a toddler. That was not enough to help me, so I take more. She has upped her dosage as she has grown, too.

    Good luck.

    • Trish Hurlbut Trish Hurlbut on Jul 29, 2018

      Hi..thanks for the husband is suffering..was wondering how much you were taking..