Ideas for window treatment on tall chalet windows for our cabin

by Joa10897558
I don't want vertical blinds. And I want to be able to see the view. I don't want anything modern, looking for something more rustic. they can be stationary or able to open. I can't spend more than $1,000.
These are the windows. Sorry it's so dark but it's very overcast. On a sunny day it shines on my cloth furniture which is going to fade them over time.
  8 answers
  • Joy30150932 Joy30150932 on Mar 05, 2018

    You could try the clear white fabric blinds which have the chain on the side to open them. They block the heat of the sun and you can see out of them. You will see them occasionally in restaurants.

    • Joa10897558 Joa10897558 on Mar 05, 2018

      I like your idea. There are two windows. And they are angled on each side so regular roller shades won't fit. Appreciate your response though. Thanks!

  • Cynthia H Cynthia H on Mar 05, 2018

    Our in-laws have a wall of windows on one side of their home. They have a fabulous view, but, too much sun can make the rooms hot. They installed shades that can be raised or lowered electronically from the top or bottom. They are very minimal and non-intrusive. Check out Hunter Douglas and They can be lowered to the bottom so your view isn't blocked. Home Depot also advertises them, but, I'm not familiar with them. Lutron made the ones my relatives have and they are fantastic.

    • Joa10897558 Joa10897558 on Mar 05, 2018

      Because our windows are angled on the sides & not straight across at the top I don't think they will fit. But I'll check it out. Thanks!

  • Joa10897558 Joa10897558 on Mar 05, 2018

    Great ideas but I don't think either idea will work.

  • Geew Geew on Mar 05, 2018

    How about a reflective window film. You can see out but the sun is diffused coming in.

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  • Emily Emily on Mar 05, 2018

    I think I would rig up something like a sail on each window. Fasten it permanently along the slanted tops. Have it cut to shape and have grommets in the inner lower corners with cords attached and run up to space above the windows through an eye hook there run over the the right (or left according to the window) thru another eye hook and coming down to where you can manipulate it and fasten it by wrapping it around a cleat to hold it in place.

  • Rick Rick on Mar 06, 2018

    i had the same concern. I went with window tinting. I no longer have to cover upholstired furniture due to the sun.

  • Joa10897558 Joa10897558 on Mar 22, 2018

    Have you had any trouble with the window tinting peeling or bubbling?

  • I would leave the top windows as they are and put up sheers or lace panels on the bottom ones.