How would you decorate above my kitchen cabinets?

by Jewellmartin
The distance between the cabinets and the ceiling is every bit as high as it looks. Not happening: building the cabinets up to the ceiling, building shelves above the cabinets (my brainstorm). Please give me decorating ideas!
  14 answers
  • Amanda Amanda on Mar 16, 2018

    Hi Jewell. You can put baskets, lights, plants, or florals on top.

    • Jewellmartin Jewellmartin on Mar 16, 2018

      I’ve wanted those tiny lights above or below the cabinets. This might be the time, and the lights would modernize any silk greenery I put on top. Thanks ☺️

  • I was thinking some decorative plates, trays or baskets would look nice on the walls above the cabinets. I have my teapot collection on top of my cabinets (many teapots are on risers because the tops of cabinets are recessed.)

    • Jewellmartin Jewellmartin on Mar 16, 2018

      i have three turkey platters that never get used. That would take up some area! Thanks ☺️

  • Gail Gail on Mar 16, 2018

    Decorative & pretty boxes shield stored contents against dust. Decorative tins with & without kids also work.

    • Jewellmartin Jewellmartin on Mar 16, 2018

      Autocorrect changed kids to kids, I’m sure. But there are a few things I don’t want the grandkids to get into, so I’ll think about the boxes. Thanks ☺️

  • My girlfriend collects chickens and roosters. We put the ceramic pieces up there and stacked on thrift store books to give them some height, asked a basket with straw and eggs spilling out, a few signs like "Eggs 5 cents each" - you get the idea.

  • C Crow C Crow on Mar 16, 2018

    A friend placed her collection of large glass pieces on top of her cabinets, with a rope light behind, which illuminates the glass beautifully. We needed storage in my kitchen so this picture shows what we did (for items we don't need often).

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  • DesertRose DesertRose on Mar 16, 2018

    Do you collect anything? I put my collection of cookie jars up there and dust with a long swiffer, I vacuum the top once or twice a yr in spring cleaning. Do you like greenery? On another cabinet I put greenery (like you see at Christmas or you could use vines) and some lights that stay on all the time. They make a nice night light to shut off lights and still get around to leave the room at night. Do you make anything like modern art or such to hang on the wall above? Just some thoughts.

    • Jewellmartin Jewellmartin on Mar 16, 2018

      Lenora, your suggestions are actually inspiring. It would be easy to overdo, but I like your ideas. The kitchen wall is at the end of our big open space, so I want it pretty. Thanks ☺️

  • CK CK on Mar 16, 2018

    That really is a lot of vacant space above! You must have quite high ceilings. Sure you could put all sorts of stuff up there but sometimes it just draws attention to the "void". Maybe just leave it "undecorated" but add some lighting the inexpensive rope lighting you can get at Lowe's and Home Depot. There are even inexpensive lighting tracks out now that are battery operated. My friends put lighting above their cabinets and it looks stunning.... and no "stuff" needed ;-)

    • Jewellmartin Jewellmartin on Mar 16, 2018

      CK, I will probably end up overdecorating! But I definitely want the lights. Thanks ☺️

  • Joy30150932 Joy30150932 on Mar 16, 2018

    Whatever you put up there you will have to climb to clean. Stretching over kitchen cabinets can be dangerous and a nuisance as you get older. Have you thought about painting that area a different colour so as to make it look more appealing without adding décor.

    • Jewellmartin Jewellmartin on Mar 16, 2018

      Joy, painting is not in the cards, alas. But another friend said she uses a long handled Swiffer to dust. I can’t get more than one foot off the floor using a Rubbermaid step, but my sweet son and daughter-in-law will do the work for me. Even they use a ladder now instead of jumping on the counter! Thanks ☺️

  • Diena Cameron Diena Cameron on Mar 16, 2018

    Joychevi, if she paints above her cabinets, as you suggest, she would have to climb !! As you apparently know, that is very dangerous and can be a nuisance as she gets older. lol, I have a great step ladder that allows me to reach above my cabinets to decorate with my baskets, cake stands and my rooster collection. I love it and i don't mind getting up there once in awhile to dust or take down, wash and put back. Mine gives me great pleasure so it is well worth it.

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    • Diena Cameron Diena Cameron on Mar 17, 2018

      Jewell Martin, I'm 66 and I am on quite a few medications that cause dizziness. Haven't fainted in a few years, thank goodness but I'm very independent and always do things myself before asking someone to do it for me. I enjoy decorating and am not letting medications stop me from doing things. If you can't do things like that Jewell, ask someone, a relative, a neighbor, a friend so you have something to enjoy when you look up there, it will look finished and just not forgotten. Good luck and hope you are inspired to up the visual decor in your home. If I get a chance, I will post a picture of above my cabinets.

  • Pat Pat on Mar 16, 2018

    Maybe a hint that I have used on high pieces of furniture.....I even do the top of my refrigerator.......line the top with waxed paper. Does not show and when you are ready to clean....take the waxed paper off and your cupboard/furniture tops will be clean....put another piece of waxed paper down and you are good to go. Even if you decorate your high tops of things, use the waxed paper....saves a lot of work.

  • Jewellmartin Jewellmartin on Mar 16, 2018

    Wow, Pat! I will definitely use wax paper. And books as risers, but books I don’t care if they get dusty. I could put wax paper on top of the books, too. Thanks ☺️

  • Jewellmartin Jewellmartin on Mar 16, 2018

    My response didn’t post the first time, I guess. I will definitely use your wax paper idea. Thank you ☺️

  • Gail Gail on Mar 17, 2018

    Sorry. You're right. Should have been LIDS. Thank you for catching the typo.

  • Barb Barb on Mar 18, 2018

    I personally would add large scale items and maybe two rod iron wall grills then start adding decorative boxes to add height to prop items on, here‘s a few picture ideas to help with a visual ideas📌. Hobby lobby,Christmas tree shops and TJmaxx has a lot more f these decorative items.

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