I have this mailbox that has been in my family for over 80 years.

by Daw8467603
All our children and grandchildren have had their picture taken inside of it. We've replaced it with a new one for our mail. I want to decorate it and use it for SOMETHING...it weighs 23 lbs. I'd appreciate any ideas on what to do with it.
  12 answers
  • Mary Boger Mary Boger on Apr 12, 2018

    You could stand it on end and use it as a planter or

    maybe even a funky trash container, ? for junk mail.

  • Seethebeauty Seethebeauty on Apr 12, 2018

    how about a trash pail? My first instinct was a bird house, but I'm not so sure that is a good idea when the weather gets hot. Then there's the rustic bread box if it fits your decor, or a porch decoration...with a little paint and accessories it would be a pretty addition (you could even make it a fake bird house with little birds attached to it (fake, of course). Put it on a closet shelf to store seasonal tanks, shorts, bathing suits etc...

  • You could mount it on a post for a porch and plant flowers that would cascade out of it.

  • Liv Liv on Apr 12, 2018

    I would use it as a planter, or maybe you could fill it with seasonal decor.

  • Pat Pat on Apr 12, 2018

    Decorate it for Christmas and use it for the cards you receive. May have to paint it red but I believe they have mailbox covers that look Christmasy. You could put it on an end table or a book shelf during the holidays.

  • Emily Emily on Apr 12, 2018

    I would not use it in any way (planter, seasonal decor etc) that will increase the wear on it. I made a photo border for a mirror from pictures taken of my 2 grandchildren from the time they were little till h.s. You say you have taken a picture of each baby inside the mail box. Prepare the mail box in a way that will maintain its condition, then decoupage these pictures out side it. Place this in a convenient for viewing but otherwise protected area of your house. You have a very valuable heirloom there.

    comment photo
  • Mary Mary on Apr 16, 2018

    Paint with paint for metal, put on a post in your and use it for gardening tool storage

  • Sandy Sandy on Apr 16, 2018

    I love it the way it is. Just put it on a shelf or table and put some of the pictures you have of your children and grandchildren around it.

  • Samantha Samantha on Jul 25, 2018

    First of all, what a beautiful piece. I love the original look and definetly wouldn't paint it over. I'd have 2 uses for it: 1)use it in the lounge for the weekly magazines, if you have a fireplace maybe for all the tools needed, or 2) turn it so it stands upright and depending on your taste either have a piece of circular glass/ or wood placed on top as a coffee table. I'd go for the glass because then you could still see all its beauty. What a conversation piece. Good luck and please post your choice, process and end result.

    • See 1 previous
    • Samantha Samantha on Sep 02, 2018

      That would look lovely. If you put a double layer of glass, you could put them in between and swop them around or add new photos as you wanted. Please share with us what you eventually decide on. Would love to see the end result.

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Apr 03, 2021


    I would cover it with twigs and leave it in the garden for a hedgehog or bird to use as a home!

  • JustMe☺ JustMe☺ on Apr 03, 2021

    I would decorate and put back on a porch out of weather, mount on post and put in large metal milk jug with potted flowers around. You preserve a family heirloom, and it can still be seen for family pictures. JustMe ☺