Asked on Apr 21, 2018

Inexpensive party decorations for a 83rd birthday party @ the park?

by L.D

I'm looking for decorations for my Aunt's 83rd birthday @ a local park. Our colors are turquoise & white. I would like it to look festive, does anyone have tips on how to make a balloon garland or other décor ideas?

  16 answers
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Apr 21, 2018

    Balloons ,banner, streamers

  • Becky Becky on Apr 21, 2018

    If you have trees and/or a shade structure of some sort, those hanging tissue balls are pretty, and you can make or buy them in lots of colors. Turquoise and white, maybe some silver or gold along with it?

  • Emily Emily on Apr 21, 2018

    I put wallpaper border on the thresholds between my kitchen and adjacent two rooms. Gave it 6 or so coats of poly. This was vintage bought with many rolls of paper at an auction.

    comment photo
  • M. M.. M. M.. on Apr 21, 2018

    Another pretty and cheap decoration are the coffee filter balls. Get the coffee filters at the dollar store and dip them in turq paint or dye, even if the colors come out different tints, it will be very pretty mixed with the white. I did four of these for my daughter's wedding and they were a snap! Google for tutorials.

    • See 1 previous
    • M. M.. M. M.. on Apr 21, 2018

      They are super easy- I made them while watching tv!! Just get your supplies in a tray or one spot and sit down for a short while! I even had friends ASKING to help make these, they looked so easy, haha!

  • L.D L.D on Apr 21, 2018

    So pretty ! I'm not very crafty but I'm going to watch a video & see how to make them ! Thank you !

  • L.D L.D on Apr 21, 2018

    This is the place for the party ,forgot to post a picture before.

    comment photo
  • Emily Emily on Apr 21, 2018

    As an 83 year old I would love to answer this question. I would not care about decorations because to me that would seem that they should get the attention, not the honoree! Are turquoise and white her colors? Since you know her well enough to have a party for her, you know what she loves best of all, in decoration, music, food. If you use paper plates use the color and/or design she would like best. Maybe have real china and silver for her use. Have a comfortable chair for her. Have background music. From the 40's and the 50's. Think of her and who she is and what she wants. She and I are the same age but maybe much different. For instance I would love a beautifully set table. She is not generic. She is a real individual as you are too and we all are. Good luck, you are a lovely niece to be thinking of your aunt!

  • M. M.. M. M.. on Apr 21, 2018

    Just to add, maybe bring out an extra comfy chair with a back and arms for her, or with pillows for back support. Maybe even make it a throne! A good start would be a high backed office chair adjustable, so she can truly relax!

    • L.D L.D on May 07, 2018

      She's in a wheelchair. That's a great idea though!

  • Fiddledd224 Fiddledd224 on Apr 26, 2018

    I would cut out lots of paper triangles in your party colors (either construction paper or scrapbook paper) and have guests write encouraging birthday messages. Then punch two holes in the top and string a birthday banner for the Birthday Girl to take home after the party.

    • L.D L.D on May 07, 2018

      I've done some something similar ideas in the past. One year, I had all the guests write her a letter & I put all the letters in a scrapbook for her another year, I asked all the guests to send me a picture of themselves & their family, especially if the picture included my Aunt & I made another book of pictures for her. Her vision is not very good now, & she's trying to downsize. But Thanks!

  • Pennmt Pennmt on Apr 27, 2018

    Go to the Dollar Store and get some pretty-colored plastic table cloths. Get a pinata to hang from a tree at the park (found at some grocery stores), and yes, balloons are great. If your aunt is up to it, have her be the first to swing at the pinata and then give others the opportunity. (Be sure to fill pinata with candy, etc.). Check out the Dollar store for plates and cups for your tables. They have a lot of different, colorful party decorations.

  • L.D L.D on Apr 28, 2018

    A pinata might be fun! Something different for sure! Thank you!

  • L.D L.D on Apr 28, 2018

    Thank you !

  • L.D L.D on May 07, 2018

    I like the pinata idea! Thank you!

  • Fiddledd224 Fiddledd224 on May 07, 2018

    You're welcome. Keep trying !

  • Gra27295911 Gra27295911 on Jun 04, 2018

    A piñata would be very fun! Fill with candy and trinket, nail files, and mini nail polish, hand sanitizers, purse size hand lotion, small puzzle books and picture frames maybe some golf balls for the men. You could also get plastic serving bowls in the colors you want at the dollar store and party city. Bandannas in the same colors could be used for added decoration on tables, maybe tie some together and make a banner.

  • Kelly-n-Tony Kelly-n-Tony on Jun 05, 2018

    Here was a tabletop decor I did using wine bottles. Spray them in whatever color your theme is and stick childhood photos of your aunt in the cork on top--