How to frame a piece of canvas

How do you take a piece of canvas that is not attached to anything. It has no wood attached, it is just s piece of canvas. What do I need to do to frame it.
As you can see it just a piece of canva. I need to frame it.
I am at a lost. Been working on several piece with this canvas setup. Now I have to frame them. Help please
  8 answers
  • Nancy Turner Nancy Turner on May 01, 2018

    Do you want it framed or just put a frame underneath it?

  • M.H. M.H. on May 01, 2018

    Hey There 😊 I would probably mount it onto some sort of hard backing, then find a frame for it. You may be able to find materials at a great thrift store or yard sale. This is what I would try to do. If you didn’t want to permanently attach it to a hard backing, you could use those temporary command strips to attach it to a frame backing so that you wouldn’t damage the canvas. Good luck 👍 I’m sure it will turn out beautifully 😊

  • Sally-Charles Evans Sally-Charles Evans on May 01, 2018

    I always mounted my cross stitch on a board that fit my frame. Lay your canvas face down ant place your board on top take button hole thread and a needle and begin to evenly stitch and pull across the board. keep the thread tight. You end up pulling all four sides, evenly toward the middle of the back. Your thread will be criss crossed all over the back. remember to keep it tight. Turn it over to check your alignment often. When satisfied with it, pop it in your frame. it always looks better with a mat.

  • Build a wood frame smaller than your canvas, put the canvas on it stapling one side first then the opposite stretching as you go. Then work on the other two sides stapling and stretching

  • Ken Ken on May 01, 2018

    I'd make a simple frame, just four pieces of wood joined at right angles, wrap the canvas around it and staple on the back. It will look like an unframed painting. And, like a painting, you could make a frame with picture frame molding and attach it on the front.

  • Or if you just want to put it in a picture frame that would work too

  • Linda Linda on May 01, 2018

    The wood missing from the canvas, the stretchers are available at an art supply store. Different sizes and staple canvas to them. You could have done for you at a frame shop if budget is not an issue. Not sure if they have them at Michaels or Hobby Lobby but you can check if they are near you. Hope that helps

  • Wendy Wendy on May 06, 2018

    This is what I did with mine! All you need is a dowel and twine :)

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