Saving a nearly new oven

by Vicki
Self-cleaning oven sprayed with oven cleaner and then set to cleaning mode. Is the surface ruined? I can't get the white residue off. I'm not even sure it is residue because I've cleaned it off repeatedly with water and it keeps coming back. I can't even scrape it with my fingernai. I'm so upset about this.

  7 answers
  • Try vinegar. Also try calling the customer service number at the stove manufacturer and see what they suggest. I would be upset too.

  • Tinyshoes Tinyshoes on May 08, 2018

    I had to replace the probe on my oven because I used my self cleaning feature to clean and my appliance man said it messed up my probe and temp control. He said self cleaners should never been used but I loved it, however, never sprayed with anything so I probably can't help you with your problem of white residue. Hope

  • Tinyshoes Tinyshoes on May 08, 2018

    you get some better answers!

  • Linda Linda on May 08, 2018

    I suggest contacting the manufacturer first before trying something that may make it worse. Hopefully they have answered this question before and will have help for you. If you didnt register your product this would be a good time. You can probably email them. They may also have faqs, troubleshooting and questions and answers you can check out. Plus if they develop tips or cautions about the product in the future, they will contact you. Hope this helps.

  • DesertRose DesertRose on May 08, 2018

    If your oven is nearly new, you probably have the service center or company number to call and ask for help and advice. I am sure they can help you. Yours is undoubtedly not the first

  • Rose Broadway Rose Broadway on May 08, 2018

    I think you can find your answer in this video. At about 6:00 she explains your problem. Let me know if you still need more help.

  • Rose Broadway Rose Broadway on May 08, 2018

    Sorry, forgot to add the video: