How to declutter any room?

by Nancy
My house has gotten out of hand.I need to declutter every room in the house

  5 answers
  • Deb K Deb K on May 13, 2018

    Start with one room at a time, take breaks and sort items into piles, keep, toss and donate.

  • DesertRose DesertRose on May 13, 2018

    You must feel overwhelmed. Take a deep breath and focus on what room you want to do first. Anything you have not used in 6 months to a year you should get out of your home. Collect a box or bag for unused items in each of 3 categories: sell, give, or throw away. Remove everything out of that room you will not keep in every drawer, cupboard, cabinet, dresser, hutch, closet, etc. Place it in each bag/box according to where you want it to end. Clean and wipe down everything and inspect the condition of the storage areas as well as what you leave to keep. If you plan a garage sale, have a place to put "sell" items. Haul off what you will give to a charity place and throw out what you deem unusable. If you do one room at a time, it will free up your time in your daily routine in that room. The next days off do another room. Clean and organize as you go. There are many ideas in Hometalk for organizing rooms and areas of the home. Look under the "organize" section. Place your mouse over "Explore Projects" and you will find several sections that could be helpful including: organize, clean, decorate, repair, etc. Best to you Nancy! Hope this will help you not feel so overwhelmed. Just focus on one area or room of the home at a time then discipline yourself and family members to "have a place for everything and everything in its place."

  • DD DD on May 13, 2018

    i am no expert but they say to start in a small room and remove everything except the basic furniture then make 3 piles keep unsur discard. Till everything is sorted then put back everything you are keeping in it's permanent place. Then remove the discard pile from the house. Honestly I take the discard out immediately so I can't change my mind. Then I go thru the undecided and try to keep 1 ithem for every 2 I giveaway

    Good luck with your project!!

    • Nancy Nancy on May 13, 2018

      Thank you i will give it my best try.

      I like the idea to get out of house before i change my mind.

  • B. Enne B. Enne on May 13, 2018

    Others and I posted on here today:

    I sure could use a declutt helper in my home. I will also need a DIY a
  • B. Enne B. Enne on May 13, 2018