I have a fiberglass entry door, what should I use to hang a wreath?

by Lori
My front door is black and made of fiberglass, can I drill a hole and put a hook to hang a wreath? We live near water so afraid of moisture.....

  5 answers
  • why not try a command hook :)

  • Cdo33447797 Cdo33447797 on Jun 08, 2018

    Wreath hanger from Michael's. Goes over the door.

  • Ann Ann on Jun 08, 2018

    Go to the dollar store and get self-adhesive hooks...many sizes and strengths...they hold and peel off without leaving marks....

  • Chas' Crazy Creations Chas' Crazy Creations on Jun 08, 2018

    There are wreath hangers that go over the door and that is one option. A command hook as mentioned above is another option. There are also wreath hanging suction cups and you could opt for that as well.

  • Vimarhonor Vimarhonor on Jun 08, 2018

    The over the door —->plastic or metal hooks work well or you could use a command adhesive hook.

    The command adhesive hooks come in many colors and weight ratings so be sure to decide which size you need. I have a metal cut out the steel art piece -with backlighting hanging off my vinyl siding on the sunporch this command hook is rated to hold up to 5-7 pounds.

    • See 1 previous
    • Vimarhonor Vimarhonor on Jun 08, 2018

      Please consider trying with a weight rating above the hook that failed.

      This substantial steel piece fell down with the regular hook, but has been fine with the upgraded heavy duty hook.

      The over the door ( metal and plastic) strap hook hangers do work but often scratch up the finish or paint job on the door, despite precautions ( added sticky fun foam) you take.

      Drilling a hole in the door to place a screw might invalidate your door warranty.

      Hope you can figure it out —a wreath beautiful dresses a door— making it very inviting!

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