Placement of floating shelves

by Gba28766512
Want to add floating shelves on each side of the tv, but do not know if they should be as thick as the mantel (approx 2 1/2 inches)? Should one of the shelves align with the mantel? What color should the shelves be if my kitchen cabinets are dark walnut (this room is open to the kitchen) and the mantel is dark as well?
The color of the kitchen cabinets is the same color as the temporary dresser we have there now--we are currently looking for a new entertainment unit in the same color.
  7 answers
  • I would certainly go chunky, but does not have to be as thick as the mantle. You seem to like matching, so keep them in the same tone as what you have existing. I kind of like mixing wood tones, but that is purely a personal preference, however, I would not go light, like a maple.

  • Mogie Mogie on Jun 17, 2018

    Shelf doesn't have to be wood. Try some paint colors. Black goes pretty much with everything and looks classy. Or go with whatever you are using for an accent color. Orange would be a nice accent color. Maybe bring orange in with the shelves and with a candle or vase on the opposite wall. Even orange in the pattern of the throw pillows. Use sparingly buy it will make a big difference.

  • Ellis Ellis on Jun 17, 2018

    I would use the cabinet below the TV as a guide, and make the shelves no deeper than that.

  • Cynthia H Cynthia H on Jun 17, 2018

    I don't know if I would do matching, but, that's me. I like contrast. E agree with Ellis - if the shelves extend too far out, it would be distracting. It's a nice alcove - had you thought about built ins?

  • Kate Hollingsworth Kate Hollingsworth on Jun 17, 2018

    With the beautiful wood tones in this room already, I would choose crisp white shelves to match the skirting. Here’s an example of some picture ledges I recently installed around a TV unit:

    Hope that helps. xx

  • 17335038 17335038 on Jun 18, 2018

    What do you want to put on the shelves? If the items are decorative, then put the shelves higher, eye level or lower, depending on how tall each item is. If the items are functional, then put the shelves lower, where you can see and easily reach the things that you need to get at frequently.

  • Gba28766512 Gba28766512 on Jun 18, 2018

    All great ideas! I have attached more pictures of the open concept rooms to get some final feedback. We just moved in so we are playing with furniture placement, and we are not what is staying or going--please forgive the mess. Now with the big picture in mind, white shelves or dark shelves? Thanks for your time and super suggestions!

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