Ideas for small bathroom with no windows?

Kate Simonetti
by Kate Simonetti
  7 answers
  • My guest bath is an interior room. Not my favorite, but wasn't a deal breaker for purchasing the house. I have a light colored shower curtain, cream rug on the floor and colorful towels and accessories in blues and greens. The room is painted white as it is tiny! Room would look more spacious with the shower curtain open with pretty bath accessories, but I use the tub for temporary storage. Right now it has a bunch of extra bed pillows, my just washed sleeping bag and a box I am preparing to ship to my girlfriend. I have lots of pets, so this helps quarentine things. Go colorful!

  • Kate Simonetti Kate Simonetti on Jun 24, 2018

    Thanks, I’m thinking about a wall muriel that looks like a window,looking at the seashore. Don’t take a bath with your pillows in it🤪🤪

  • Imjhale Imjhale on Jun 24, 2018

    Mirrors and lighting, light aqua paint and colorful accessories. Beach retreat? Can go bold sunshineor cottage calm, follow your instincts

  • B. Enne B. Enne on Jun 24, 2018

    If it is a small bathroom, maybe your trompe l'oeil window could be on a cabinet to save room.

    Alternatively, get a mirror that looks like a window. You have more light and the window-look. You could even add shutters or curtain panels around it.

  • Shore grandmom Shore grandmom on Jun 24, 2018

    This is my guest bath. It's also an interior bath. I made sure there was lots of lighting (3-100 watt bulbs above the vanity, 2 lights in tub, and my exhaust fan has a regular light and night light). It might be over kill, but it's nice and bright if you want it to be. I also painted a light blue, used shiny white tile with a little bit of grey and I hung a big beach picture.

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  • Jonah Quinn Jonah Quinn on Jun 24, 2018

    I like the others suggestions (same I thought of at first) the mirror that looks like a window (it both gives the visual of looking like a window, and reflects light - so sort of acts like a window by adding a new light direction to the room), or the paint that looks like a window.

    Years ago a worked in an inside office, the no windows kind of really bothered me. Since it was work, I couldn't do much. I got some of those craft store foam sheets, in a sunny yellow, then taped the four sheets to the white wall with equal gaps between (to look like a window with wood dividers). Everyone who came in my office immediately would comment on my "window", the bright color reflected the room light but in a yellowish cast (versus the room florescent light), so it was "sunny" if you faced that way. I wouldn't recommend such a cheap & cheezy fix for your home, but I mention it, because even something as simple as that really did make a difference.

    A far more expensive choice, depending on how your house is built, would be to add a skylight. Our house has interior/no window bathrooms. But honestly we don't really notice because it has skylights in the bathrooms. My husband loves the fact he can see the stars at night. I like that we rarely need to turn on the lights in the day, if it didn't have them I would feel like I was going into a closet or something.