I need ideas to hang on a wall in familyroom.

Jackie D
by Jackie D
I have had the same wall decor in my family room for years, very old fashion.
I'm into birdhouses and want to keep the theme or close to it. Doing the wall over the couch which has a lg. book shelf (across the top, high on the wall) I want to keep this. Just need to figure out more up dated style to put on wall.
I would say wall is about 12ft across. Any Ideas?

  8 answers
  • Emily Emily on Jul 05, 2018

    Pictures of this room would help.

    • Jackie D Jackie D on Jul 14, 2018

      Oop's , I have already taken everything down... Just an empty wall.

      I was not thinking very well !! Sorry..

  • Janice Janice on Jul 05, 2018

    Hi Jackie, change is often good. I'd first clear everything off the shelves and just start anew! You can use much of the same decor just arrange it in a different way. Have books, maybe stack a few horizontal and place a birdcage on top. Maybe set a few vertically and use a birdcage as a bookend. Maybe cover several of the books in colorful paper that goes with your room decor. Add in a few green plants and arrange the birdhouses at different angles. Perhaps add a few of those battery operated pot lights here and there to add interest at night. Add some pretty colored glass objects to mix it up a bit. If you want to share, maybe take a pic before you redo it and then again after and post. We're all interested in others' projects. Thanks! One more thought, maybe glue craft paper at the back of the bookcases in a few areas to add some dimension and interest.

    • Jackie D Jackie D on Jul 14, 2018

      Janice, thank you for the good ideas of using some of my own stuff.

      I had not though of doing make over on my own things, how easy and what a great idea. I really liked he idea of maybe using craft paper to to change the stile or colors.... Thanks again, ( darn me) I took all the stuff down to start with a fresh look and have no prior pictures... I will be thinking of re-using by re-doing that works for me.

  • Mogie Mogie on Jul 07, 2018

    What about modern bird houses? This site has stuff for sale but you could get some good ideas there too.


    • Jackie D Jackie D on Jul 14, 2018

      Thanks Mog.... I shall look up this sight, possibly find some new ideas on bird houses. Always looking.

  • I have this giant peel and stick family tree

    comment photo
  • Emily Emily on Jul 14, 2018

    Hi Jackie, I have a decorator friend who had birds painted on the walls of her dining room. Would a grouping of prints of birds be anything you would like?

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    • Jackie D Jackie D on Jul 14, 2018

      Wow, that is beautiful and I love the color is just the perfect thing..

      You did a wonderful job !! Thanks for the idea, I shall see ...

  • Emily Emily on Jul 14, 2018

    Jackie I had these Audubon prints (cheap ones) and we framed some for our son in law who is a birder and then framed the rest for ourselves. We frame a lot of things (like prints from books) that don't cost anything and use dollar store frames. I think the continuity of theme makes a big impact. Here are some yacht pics I framed.

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  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Mar 01, 2021

    Hello Jackie,

    You can buy some pretty Wallpaper with Birds and Birdhouses on!