What is the appropriate size for an area rug for a 16

Deborah grogan
by Deborah grogan
  1 answer
  • Bijous Bijous on Jul 10, 2018

    Hi Deborah, there are two schools of thought about rugs: the furniture is to be completely on the rug, or 2) the furniture can have a leg or two off the rug. Neither idea is wrong. If the rug you are looking at has a design, you want to consider what your furniture will do to the design visually. Say you want an oriental like the first one below, but your coffee table is solid to the ground, not like the open one shown. You've completely covered up the main design. Move on and choose a rug without a dominate center design. The picture also shows the furniture some off, some on. The next picture shows an overall pattern with the furniture completely on the rug. Both look great. Hope this helps.