Varnish brass or not?

Neva Dew
by Neva Dew
Am refinishing an antique furniture piece that has brass hardware (real brass - magnet does not stick). Have been told to put varnish over pieces after they are clean to prevent future tarnish and discoloration. What does the Hometalk community recommend?

  1 answer
  • Dee Dee on Jul 16, 2018

    I did that and regretted it. I would leave the brass as is, use Brasso to clean it when needed. Somehow the varnish took away from the handles.

    • Neva Dew Neva Dew on Jul 17, 2018

      thank you. Glad to know a real experience someone had. I'm using the Brasso - lots of it to get them clean. It is good stuff!