Parque floors- what could I do to spruce them up?

by Diana

Short of removing them, what could I do to spruce them up? They are walnut colored.

  3 answers
  • Mogie Mogie on Jul 15, 2018

    You could refinish them. But be careful since some parque is thin and sanding them down can only be done once of twice. Some people whitewash their parque floors and others paint it.

  • Lja23984216 Lja23984216 on Jul 15, 2018

    Since parque floors are in squares, you could get a stencil and paint a pattern on the floor. Figure out your pattern on grid paper or a computer first, then pick a stencil that would go with your decor. Sand, paint and seal. It could be anything from Greek to cabin lodge, depending on your pattern.

  • Sharon Sharon on Jul 15, 2018

    You can refinish them, you can stain them or just put a clear coat, and I have seen one where they whitewashed them....