How do you deal with rabbits that poop and kill your grass?

by Roy

I have a back yard that has dead patches of grass where the rabbits sit and eat it and then poop and pee. I’ve tried increased watering to dilute it but still having issues. My dog chases them away temporarily. I cannot shoot them due to town ordinance

  6 answers
  • Oliva Oliva on Jul 15, 2018

    Spray your lawn with a garlic and putrescent egg spray called Liquid Fence Concentrate. Spray weekly for 1 month, then 1x/month, thereafter. Stuff smells for a few hours, and needs reapplied after very heavy rains..

  • Shore grandmom Shore grandmom on Jul 15, 2018

    Block them from getting in. That's what we did. They kept digging holes to make their nests and we were afraid that one of us or our large dog would break her leg in one. We have a 5 foot privacy fence, but they were squeezing under it. My husband put pressure treated 4x4s under the fence, digging out the ground some, then filling it in around the wood. For the gates, we got door sweeps so they didn't get under them. Good luck.

    • See 4 previous
    • Shore grandmom Shore grandmom on Jul 16, 2018

      They go on the bottom of an exterior door. There are different kinds but I got the kind with a brush at the bottom so It wouldn't wear out to fast. This is like the one that I got.

  • Kathy D Kathy D on Jul 15, 2018

    Where do you live? I feed the birds , squirrels and the rabbits, opossums and raccoons also eat there and have no problem. Now my neighbors damn dog was peeing pooping and then digging up my lawn when I thought it was the rabbits or squirrels. Caught them in the act and blocked where they would walk thru. Also used powdered pepper in the back where they were really messing up the lawn. It works great but you have to reapply after it rains.

  • 2dogal 2dogal on Jul 16, 2018

    Rabbit poop is the very best natural fertilizer for your garden. Scoop it up and scatter it among the plants. You are blessed. I wish I had rabbits - only nasty squirrels.

  • Try this link for hot pepper spray. It's suppose to be good for Rabbits, squirrels, deer etc.

  • Redcatcec Redcatcec on Jul 07, 2024

    A fence of chicken wire will defiantly keep the rabbits out. Other than that you can experiment with rabbit repelling plants such as Rosemary, Mint/cat-mint, lavender, bee balm, thyme, yarrow, and allium/chives.

    You can also scatter scents rabbits hate, these can be dusted onto plants: talcum powder, chili pepper, garlic, ginger, and dried sulfur.

    If you want to scatter: Irish spring soap peels, citrus peels, Vinegar and ammonia-soak rags and put around the garden.