Porch, Pergola, or What?

Brook Miller
by Brook Miller

I need advice on how to break up this space. My husband I don't care for the amount of blank wall space on this side of our home. There is just so much siding! We have talked about building a pergola to extend from the garage wall, which is left of the door, to about halfway between the 2 sets of windows. We have also talked about a porch but I know that I don't want a shed-style roof. This is not the front of the property. It's the driveway side of our home but we live on a corner lot, so it is a main focal point of the house.

  6 answers
  • Thelma Thelma on Jul 19, 2018

    I'd build a porch with a trellis-type top on it. The top could be the same height as the existing garage roof, or could be lower to break that angle. The top would also break the look of so much siding but would still look extra nice as well as help cut down on some of the sunlight on the porch.

  • GrandmasHouseDIY GrandmasHouseDIY on Jul 19, 2018

    Hey Brook, I think your idea is a good one! Forgive my terrible Photoshop thing I just made but thought seeing it might help. You could consider after its up making a special flooring with pavers or a slab beneath it and then run a pathway to the right and add maybe a small gazebo there or even a fire pit :)

    comment photo
  • Kelly-n-Tony Kelly-n-Tony on Jul 19, 2018

    Thelma , I would go with your instincts. Do the pergola from the jut out roof on the left side to the meter box. Slant the top of the pergola to match the roof on the left. Meaning the front is shorter then the back angeling down. Hang plants on that front section for color. I think doing something for the area under the pergola pea gravel, cement, landscaping squares, etc would go a long way to creating a nice patio area.

  • Susan Susan on Jul 19, 2018

    Some shrubs would be wonderful. Rose of Sharon, Camilla, rhododendron, azalea, a Japanese Maple, lilacs, boxwood, all of these have color, texture and different heights.

    The taller plants will also help bring the illusion the home is not so tall and the medium size will fill in under and if you leave a bit of space in front you can plant annuals, perennials or bulbs for even more height, color and texture appeal.

    Look on line for medium growth shrubs, taller shrubs or small trees. Don't line them up in a straight line when you plant as each has their own distinct circumference and special spacing needs also this will give the appearance of a more natural look.

    Be sure to plant them away from the house to give them room to spread their branches. Keep the back of the plants trimmed away from the siding to keep spiders and such from crawling into your home. I do this every fall to prepare for winter bugs wanting a warm place to be cozy.

    Also take into consideration the color of the house. You really need a plant that will "Pop" with color. If you do several plant types consider the textures. The textured plants will give it more appeal. take note on how much each plant the time investment will be needed, especially the first year is important due to watering more so the roots can be established.

    Best of luck, have fun and don't stress, just because you plant something doesn't mean you can't move it a again. Better yet but all your plants at the same time and set then out with their pots on and arrange the containers in the most attractive way to please your eye. If super unsure ask for another set of eyes to give their opinion remembering that suggestion can be questioned respectfully and/or can be declined.

    • Brook Miller Brook Miller on Jul 25, 2018

      Yes, I am slowly getting around to the landscaping! We just bought the house 3 years ago and it had a lot of dead plants and overgrown weeds before. Thanks for all the suggestions!

  • Margie Hood Margie Hood on Jul 19, 2018

    Ok..Im going to say a few extra things that will help..Paint you fading green shutters to black..that would really uniform your windows..red window planters with flowing plants would really beautify it..if your husband is handy he could make them for cheaper than store bought...now for your big question..A Pergola would be beautiful...you live in almost the same climate as me..im down by fort smith Arkansas..the ozarks...you could cover your pergola in English Ivy..or you can do seasonal or annuals..Ivy is a perennial and will stay year round and grow year round, BUT, you have to keep it trimmed away from getting under that siding..as long as you check it monthly it should be fine..also a szpring to summer that would cover your pergola with beautiful flowers is clematis,..vwery easy climber to care for once established. you can throw in the very fragrant moon flower and morning glories...the ivy can start at the top as these you can have them curtain the sides... hope i was helpful..i do tend to go on and on and on...lol

  • Linda Sikut Linda Sikut on Jul 19, 2018

    Hi Brook,

    Your first step must be to check the building codes in your area. We live on a corner too and we can't build anything on that side per our building codes. :( I think either one would look great, however you'll get more light into the rooms with the lower windows with a pergola. It's just not as usable when it rains like a porch would be. I also think you should go further across to cover both windows. What I don't know is what rooms are inside those windows. If they are bedrooms, it could cause a privacy issue.

    Another idea would be to build an uncovered deck/patio at the end of the pergola where the wall is blank. You could raise it a bit higher so you have more than one height. One more option would be to reverse that and have a patio under the windows with a pergola on the end.

    There are a lot of photos of ideas online and I've included one link, just for ideas. You might also hire an architect to help with the design. Since it's a large area, they can help with the proportions so that the final design is beautiful. Good luck! Wishing you the best!
