How to work furniture around an oversized wet bar in family room

by Tammy

I have an oversized wet bar in our lower level family room with cabinets attached to upper wall behind the bar that takes up almost half of the space. I would like to somehow down size the bar without removing it as the water pipes would then be exposed. Any suggestions on how to blend with seating area since this is mainly used as a family room to watch TV and not really used as a bar area. Thank you

  6 answers
  • OceeB OceeB on Jul 22, 2018

    Hi Tammy,

    Could it be shortened to become a game table area and put a wood plate over the since area and remove the faucets and turn water off?

    • Tammy Tammy on Jul 24, 2018

      Hi OceeB, I'm not sure but i will definitely check into that. Thank you

  • Nancy Turner Nancy Turner on Jul 22, 2018

    Could you possible post a picture of this room? It would make suggesting a way to resolve the issue quite a bit easier to see the actual placement of the bar is and where the sink is. Thanks, Tammy!

    • Tammy Tammy on Jul 24, 2018

      Hi Nancy, I will be posting a picture but please excuse the toys, I keep my grandson during the day. Thank you

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  • Marie Morefield Marie Morefield on Jul 22, 2018

    its the way you place things in room and how bog furniture if you need a professional If in Newark De. For price

  • Nancy Turner Nancy Turner on Jul 24, 2018

    Hey, Tammy, is the sink against the wall? Or is it one of the L sides. You could also turn the bar into bookshelves coming from the top of the bar to the floor. It would also give you somewhere to put the grandsons toys after he goes home. Depending on where the sink is, you could cut down the length or width of the bar to make it much smaller.

    • Tammy Tammy on Jul 25, 2018

      Hi Nancy, it's in the L shape of the bar, furthest to the fireplace but the water pipe comes up a foot and runs the whole length of the bar to the exterior wall hidden in the lower part. I may have to check with a plumber to see if and how it can be capped off. Thank you for the ideas.

  • Nancy Turner Nancy Turner on Jul 25, 2018

    Check to see if the pipes have any area where they joined with another pipe. If it is close to where the pipe comes out from the wall, you should be able to cap it off after you turn the water off and drain the pipes. The same will have to be done with the pipe leading to dispose of the water. If the pipes are welded or whatever, you may be able to get a plumber to cap it off. If it is threaded pipe, you should be able to get a threaded cap to put on it. If you know someone who knows about plumbing, they will be able to tell you if need a plumber or not. You may want to keep the cupboards that are against the wall. It would make a good place for toys and board games, and many other things for the family room, like DVD's, etc.

  • Tammy Tammy on Jul 26, 2018

    Thank you Nancy, I'll check that out.