Has anyone successfully painted over a tiled kitchen backsplash ?

by Mcr33688281

I have a backsplash that is very outdated with 2D floral tiles randomly in the mix. The backsplash is in one piece sheets and is permanent as my expensive cabinets are installed over top. I have attached a picture.

  8 answers
  • Gabrielle Falk Gabrielle Falk on Jul 23, 2018

    Yes. Just go to the local hardware shop - and ask them what sort of treatment you would need to do before you paint the tiles; and then ask what sort of paint you should use. So many more people are now re-painting their tiles themselves, rather than get in the 'specialists'.

  • Dwp7470b Dwp7470b on Jul 23, 2018

    Not really in modern era, but yeah, as an electrician I have seen everything...You should avoid paint though. Why?

    You would regret it the first time you handwash anything in the sink, like curtains or dishes.

    The purpose of a backsplash is not backspasm.

    But Instead, to create behind the sink, something water, detergent, bleach and slop can splash onto, and not destroy the value of your home.

    As is, Many vinyl and PVC Based contact papers avail for this purpose, cost is about $22 for 6 Sq. Feet or so, and as they are vinyl or PVC Based, they are totally waterproof.

    Alot of people don't know this, but: You can create a removable fold-up portable backsplash that is much much easier to clean.


    I. One Board which is custom cut to the size of your sink work area and divided in 2 for fold-up, or left as is for removable/semidetachible.

    II. If you are doing the fold up, you need two locking hinges.


    Cover each board with a contact paper you like.

    If you are doing the fold up, you need place the two locking hinges into the 2 boards.

    Voila, you have a removable portable backsplash.

    These also can Permenatly Border the 3 Walls of any Tub with a Shower or place behind any small sink provided you screw these into the Walls and use the proper sealant [usu. Silicon putty in a tube]

  • I painted mine. I cleaned it and primed it well before painting. It held up for about 2 years before I ripped the tile out and redid the tile myself. It was worth it until then though. Paint is cheap. ;)

  • Nicole Brossoie Nicole Brossoie on Jul 24, 2018

    I painted my kitchen backsplash with regular latex paint and then finished it with 3 coats of a clear matte sealer. No problems at all! Cheap solution, awesome results!

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  • Dcg29480184 Dcg29480184 on Jul 24, 2018

    I painted over the plastic tile in an entire bathroom (tub but no shower). I used Zinsers (spelling) 3 in one primer first and then a quality bathroom enamel. Heldup for many years. Even sold the house with the painted tile bathroom.

  • Heather Heather on Jul 24, 2018

    I painted a ceramic tiled kitchen backsplash. First I cleaned it well. On coat of high adhesion primer then 2 coats of latex wall paint. I think I used my trim paint. Held up Great! Painting over the whole thing hides the grout lines which was wonderful for me. There wasn't a straight line anywhere.

  • Swi27243196 Swi27243196 on Aug 06, 2018

    Yes. I cleaned the area well then used rustoleum white protective enamel paint over all the tiles. The counters and remaining non-tile backsplash were covered in waterproof peal and stick and a piece of quarter round attached where the two meet. Cheap, effective, easy to clean, and holding up well.

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  • Judith Judith on Aug 18, 2018

    I painted over my kitchen tiles 13 years ago with BBQ flat black paint.....and it's still going strong. Just did my daughters red brick fireplace, my friends brass fireplace and am currently doing my fireplace with the same BBQ paint. It can take heat, water splashes and more.