How can I change a shiny silver metalic finish on my coffee table?

Janice Fuger
by Janice Fuger

My coffee table has a very shiny chrome finish and I would like to make it more of a "satin" finish. Is there something I can brush on that would change the appearance or should I just give spray paint a shot?

  4 answers
  • on Aug 13, 2018

    It can be tough to brush a finish on metal and not see brush strokes, Janice. I think you might be happiest with a spray paint finish. If you love the chrome color, you can get spray paint that is clear - but matte. :)

  • ☘️ TxBella ☘️ TxBella on Aug 13, 2018

    Hi Janice , I believe it’s rustoleum that makes a “ Clear Matt Finish” spray paint you may want to try it.

    Just remember to shake very well and I’d spray first elsewhere before spraying the table .


  • Scarlett Butler Scarlett Butler on Aug 13, 2018

    Hi Janice. I found that one of the hardest things about a metallic table is that every little flaw and ding shows. Here’s a similar table that I redid by crumpling up some tissue paper and then using ModPodge to glue it on the tabletop. Then I added some layers of black and gold paint. It covered up the flaws in the metal table top beautifully by giving it some texture.

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  • Janice Fuger Janice Fuger on Sep 14, 2018

    I was so happy to finally fix these tables once I had some suggestions. The second picture is before. Way too shiny for my taste. I first tried the clear satin spray paint that was suggested. The finish was perfect but the color was now had a bluish tint. Next I tried a metallic silver satin spray paint and it is perfect. I really didn't expect it to come out so nice. Thanks for the help once again guys!

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