What can I add to the wall to make it stand out?

by Big32240011

I had the blue tile from the 50s replaced in my bathroom with wainscoting. There is one area (see picture) that I would like to have something put in there to make it stand out. The contractor suggested continuing the white “rail” up the wall or having the painter continue the pink as the rest of the wall. any suggestions.

  6 answers
  • Kristin Gambaccini Kristin Gambaccini on Aug 23, 2018

    Wood planks (kits can be found at Home Depot and Lowes), wainscotting, or for an even more inexpensive option, board & batting wallpaper!

  • Judy Judy on Aug 23, 2018

    If you replace it there will not be a smooth transition to the ceiling if you’re going for that.

    It would make the room come together to continue up with the mounding and color.

    Have fun with it!

    Its your place so do what you want!

  • Liz Liz on Aug 24, 2018

    Consider mirrored tiles

  • Brenda Brenda on Aug 24, 2018

    I’m having a hard time figuring out this wall without seeing how it relates to the rest of the room. Could you take a pic to show what you’re working with?

    • Big32240011 Big32240011 on Aug 24, 2018

      The first picture is leaving the bathroom the second picture is as you enter Thanks.

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  • Brenda Brenda on Aug 24, 2018

    They make some really pretty accent tiles that might be nice there. Only thing is you would probably want to carry it all the way around the tub surround.

    Otherwise I would just go with the pink and make your window wall your accent wall. Easily done with a nice patterned valance

  • Big32240011 Big32240011 on Aug 24, 2018

    Thanks. It had blue tile in that area before and I liked how it stood out.