How difficult and expensive to tile showers??

by Susan

How difficult and expensive would it be to remove the fake shower inserts in my two bathrooms and turn them into a tiled shower? Is it possible?

  5 answers
  • Ann Cherkas Halstead Ann Cherkas Halstead on Sep 04, 2018

    1st take a free tile class at Home Depot. One thing to keep in mind. If the fake shower tile has been up a long time you don’t know what you will find behind it. We had to replace some pipes and the waterproof Sheetrock before we put up new tile.

  • Lucy Marie Bernier Lucy Marie Bernier on Sep 04, 2018

    A lot of work. Depends who and how well the inserts were put in. You have sand off the old stuff. Put up special type sheet rock for bathrooms. Y don’t you try some stencil work along the top. Or small tile work along the border ?

    • Susan Susan on Sep 04, 2018

      ! I di like the stencil idea and may do that temporarily ,Thanks!

  • Vimarhonor Vimarhonor on Sep 04, 2018

    Hello Susan,

    Yes, it’s possible.

    We replaced our fiberglass walls in our corner shower in 2011 with a very economical inexpensive white tile ( possibly the cheapest home depot had) and reused the fiberglass base pan and glass doors.

    The reason we renovated the bathroom shower was -the shower base pan seemed to flex or bounce as it wasn’t seated on the concrete floor correctly. That need to be corrected and we tiled the walls as an update.

    Looking back we wished we used a more fancy or expensive tile, but this was a weekend home when we did the renovation and it was a functional repair of a basement shower base vs a stylish reno.

    I hope you can find the perfect solution to your question And potential bathroom remodels.

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  • Judy Judy on Sep 04, 2018

    Yes it’s possible. I used to work in a tile store and tile can be a very expensive. But if you go with the basic tile on the walls and floor you can use very pretty accent tiles to not only keep the cost down but specialize what you like. It doesn’t necessarily have to have a border they could be spaced out intermittently.

    You could also shop around at tile stores and Home stores to see if they have any left over from a large job that they’re willing to sell for a discount. Especially if your showers or small you may not need much.

    • Susan Susan on Sep 04, 2018

      I’m willing to ask around and give it a try! Thank you!

  • Geoff Geoff on Sep 04, 2018

    Takes a couple of days doing it yourself. but it is easy enough. remove the inserts (I put insulating between studs) hang cement board, use mastic to affix tile, narrow grout lines and seal. I used 12 X 12 tile and added a interesting cut stone feature. I had never done wall tile before.

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