WD-40 Hacks!

2 Materials
5 Minutes

WD-40 removes, protects, & loosens so many things. It contains silicone which is one of the things that makes this so special. My dad owns a body shop and he was the first person who introduced it to me. I thought I would share a few ways I use it with you...

You can see more of my crazy creations here

Use it to loosen door handles & locks.

Got a door or lock that is sticking or not running smoothly? Squirt a little WD-40 onto it, wipe up the excess, and as you start wiggling the lock and handle it'll loosen right up and run smooth again.

Stop a squeaky door

Spray some on the hinges, wipe up the excess, open and close the door a few times, and the squeak will disappear.

Stock up on WD-40!

Now that you know all the magical things you can do with WD-40, you're probably itching to grab an extra can. We've got you covered right here!

Wipe away greasy fingerprints

Spray a little on your doors or other surfaces with grease on them, and wipe away those greasy fingerprints and surfaces.

Loosen tough scissors and tools

If your scissors get sticky residue in them and they are having a hard time opening and closing or sticking closed, spray a little on the scissors, wipe up the excess, and start wiggling them - they'll free right up. This works great on tools as well - pliers, garden shears, etc.

Moisturize and make your shoes weather resistant

Spray a little on a cloth and wipe on your shoes. It will clean them, moisturize them, and make them weather resistant.

Keep Bugs Out

Spray a little around the base of your house outside and it'll repel the bugs from coming into your home.

Loosen hoses

Ever get a sprayer that you cannot get off your hose? Spray a little into the threads, give it a couple minutes, and then start to twist. It'll loosen it up and you'll be able to twist it right off.

Get bugs off of glass easy...

Spray a little WD-40 onto your bug splattered glass, use a cloth and they'll rub right off.

*A special note from my husband - it's fantastic at getting tar off your car too right after they have resurface a road.

Keep soap scum off your shower doors

Clean your shower and then spray the glass with WD-40 and wipe on. It'll create a barrier that will stop soap scum from forming on your glass.

Clean your stainless steel

Spray it on your stainless steel and use a microfiber cloth to wipe it in. It cleans it right up!

Keep clay and mud from sticking to your shovels

Spray a little on your shovel, it'll not only clean your shovel but it'll keep the dirt from clumping onto your shovel as you continue your work.

Remove sticky label residue, glue, tape

Spray it on and use a scraper to scrub it right off of bottles. Works great to remove tape residue as well.

Remove Glue

Got hot glue stuck to something that you need to remove, or perhaps some school glue or other sticky substance? Spray a little on the surface, let it sit for a minute, and then use a cloth to wipe the residue away. For the hot glue, it just picked right off with no trouble.

Remove Crayon

Spray some over the crayon on your door, table, and more and use a microfiber cloth to wipe it off.

I would love to have you stop by my blog   Chas' Crazy Creations  for the full tutorial as well as sign up for my latest creations, posts, recipes, exclusives, and more...

I would love for you to subscribe to my YouTube channel to see more of my crazy creations - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIOsMN7hycVRco-MROXwmXg

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  • Alicia Alicia on Feb 19, 2024

    i read recently that it will restate solar lights back to brightness. Is that true?

  • Liz Liz on Feb 19, 2024

    Can you use it on black stainless steel appliances?

  • How long does this work or how often do you have to spray this around the outside of your house to keep bugs away ??

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