Can you use paint instead of reupholstering fabric furniture?

by Sshayne

Painting a material ottoman and material chair?

  7 answers
  • Janice Janice on Oct 04, 2018

    Hi Sshayne, yes, you absolutely can. There are many Hometalkers who have done this and posted about it. Here's a link that will inform you about how to go about it. Good luck!

  • Elaine Hill Bess Elaine Hill Bess on Oct 04, 2018

    I've used fabric dye-just ran it through my rug shampooer

  • Kmdreamer Kmdreamer on Oct 04, 2018

    It will dry hard use fabric dye

  • Yes, you sure can paint fabric and its not stiff!

    Painting fabric is super easy and super fun! I am attaching a link to a blog on how to paint fabric but the main thing you need to do is have a water mister bottle next to you. Make sure you fabric is spritzed but not totally drenched. Then paint just like you would with anything else. Dixie Belle chalk mineral paint has a really amazing coverage that will not take too much paint. Afterwards if you slightly buff with a 220 sanding grit its super smooth and not chalky or crunchy feeling. I also like to spritz with Easy Peasy Spray wax afterwards. Here is a blog ifyou want to read more! And I have attached a picture so you can see a before and after....hope that helps and have fun painting. - Teri

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  • Janice Janice on Oct 05, 2018

    If you go the dye route, be sure to do a small sample in an inconspicuous spot. Different fabrics absorb the dye in different ways. I have tried various dyes on small pieces of upholstery fabric I've cut from beneath my "leopard patterned" chairs and none of the dyes have worked sufficiently well for me to do the entire chairs, even when I applied the bottle-type dye undiluted. Some fabrics just won't accept the dye well. Multiple coats of thin paint with sanding in between has worked well for many people.

  • Sshayne Sshayne on Oct 05, 2018

    Thank you so very much! Cant wait to try this, I have a black c loth ottoman, very stained, and a boudoir chair that revolves, but is all canvas, its white, ands needs a lot of help. your post with answers and links were very helpful.

  • Jeanne Martin Jeanne Martin on Oct 07, 2018

    I asked this same question about a month ago and decided to do this technique. It turns the paint into more of like a dye consistency first. Haven't tried it yet, but I plan on doing it this winter. I'm thinking it's the best bet for the type of material/pattern on my chair. I've included a pic of my chair too. If I fail I'll just have to upholster it! I'm not touching the gorgeous wood.

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